初二下册英语短语大全 初二下册英语短语


初二下册英语短语:Unit 1

Unit 1 What’s the matter?

1. 太多 too much

2. 躺下 lie down

3. 量体温 take one’s temperature

4. 看牙医 see a dentist

5. 做个X光检查 get an X-ray

6. 在……上敷药 put some medicine on…

7. 发烧 have a fever

8. 整个周末 all weekend

9. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games

10. 下车 get off

11. 看医生 go to a doctor

12. 送某人去医院 take sb. to the hospital

13. 到达 get to

14. 立刻; 马上 right away

15. 休息 take breaks/take a break

16. 等待 wait for

17. 多亏;由于thanks to

18. 没多想 without thinking twice

19. 及时in time

20. 考虑 think about

21. 使…….惊讶的to one’s surprise…

22. 摔倒 fall down

23. 踢足球 play soccer

24. 患有心脏病 have a heart problem

25. 几个;少数 a few

26. 造成麻烦 get into trouble

27. 做正确的事 do the right things

28. 进来 come in

29. 对…感兴趣 be interested in

30. 被打击/晒伤 get hit/sunburned

31. 习惯于 be used to

32. 冒险 take risks/ take a risk

33. 把……放在某物上put… on sth.

34. 因为 because of

35. 失去生命 lose one’s life

36. 用完; 耗尽 run out (of)

37. 切除 cut off

38. 离开;从……出来get out of

39. 做决定 make a decision/decisions

40. 放弃 give up

41. 掌管; 管理 be in control of

42. 去爬山 go mountain climbing

初二下册英语短语:Unit 2

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.

1. 分发 give out

2. 打扫(或清除)干净 clean up

3. (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 cheer up

4. 建起;设立 set up

5. 赠送;捐赠 give away

6. 曾经……; 过去…… used to

7. 推迟 put off

8. 想出 come up with

9. 影响; 有作用make a difference

10. 张贴 put up

11. 打电话给 call up

12. 帮助…….摆脱困难 help out

13. 实现 come true

14. 照顾; 照看 care for

15. 参加选拔 try out for

16. 修理 fix up

17. 用光 run out of

18. 与……相像take after

19. 与……相似 be similar to

初二下册英语短语:Unit 3

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

1. 洗餐具 do the dishes

2. 扫地 sweep the floor

3. 倒垃圾 take out the rubbish

4. 整理床铺 make the bed

5. 叠衣服 fold the clothes

6. 打扫起居室 clean the living room

5. 搭车 get a ride

6. 去看电影 go to the movies

7. 出去吃晚饭 go out for dinner

8. 至少 at least

9. 在外待得晚 stay out late

10.帮助做完某事 help out (with sth.)

11. 扔下 throw down

12. 随时 any minute now

13.一直;频繁;反复 all the time

14. 过来 come over

15. 一……就…… as soon as

16. 带狗去遛遛 take the dog for a walk

17.惊讶地 in surprise

18. 和……一样 as… as

19. 在….上花费(时间或金钱)spend… on

20. 为了 in order to

21. 依赖; 信赖 depend on

22. 向某人提供某物 provide sth. for sb.

23. 照顾;照看 look after

24. 照顾 take care of

25. 结果 as a result

26. 进入 get into

27. 保持它干净、整洁keep it clean and tidy

初二下册英语短语:Unit 4

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

1. 太多(不可数n.) too much

2. 太多(可数名词n.) too many

3. 得到充足睡眠 get enough sleep

4. 闲逛 hang out with sb.

5. 争吵 get into a fight

6. 早点儿去睡 go to sleep earlier

7. 谈论 talk about sth.

8. 擅长 be good at (doing) sth.

9. 给某人打电话 call sb. up

10. 归还 give back

11. 在电话中 on the phone

12. 浏览; 翻阅; 仔细检查 look through

13. 没问题 no problem

14. 重要的事情 a big deal

15. 生某人的气 be angry with sb.

16. 解决; 算出 work out

17. 感到孤独 feel lonely

18. 与某人和睦相处 get on with sb.

19. 下次 next time

20. 今后;从今以后 in future

21. 与某人交流 communicate with sb.

22. 交朋友 make friends

23. 害怕……. be afraid of

24. 在……的前面 in front of

25. 做运动 do sports

26. 不再…….not… any more

27. 与某人竞争 compete with sb.

28. 那么多 so much/many

29. 上课 have lessons

30. 去购物 go shopping

31. 删除; 删去 cut out

32. 各种各样的 all kinds of

33. 比较; 对比 compare… with…

34. 几个; 少数 a few

35. 同意某人 agree with sb.

36. 依………看 in one’s opinion

37. 调小 turn down

38. 一些安静的事 something quiet

初二下册英语短语:Unit 5

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

1. 等候 wait for

2. 寻找 look for

3.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.

4. 接电话 pick up

5. 务必;确保 make sure

6. (闹钟)发出响声 go off

7. 玩得开心 have fun

8. 入睡; 睡着 fall asleep

9. 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失die down

10. 醒来;叫醒 wake up

初二下册英语短语大全 初二下册英语短语

11. 凌乱不堪 in a mess

12. 打扫干净; 整理 clean up

13. 打开 turn on

14. 立刻; 马上 right away

15. 听收音机 listen to the radio

16. 到达 get to

17. 看 have a look

18. 前往;费力地前make one’s way

19. 因为 because of

20. 沉默/无声地 in silence

21. 摧毁; 拆毁; 记下 take down

22. 说实话 tell the truth

23. 指出 point out

24. 消失; 离开 go away

25. 也 as well

26. 如此……以至 so… that…

27. 对某人有意义 have meaning to sb.


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