一次购物经历作文 一次购物经历初中英语作文

一次购物经历作文 一次购物经历初中英语作文



This morning , I went shopping for my mother, my pen friend Mary wanted to go with me, she though it was a good chance to learn Chinese , so we went together.

There are many kinds of goods in the markets, Marry was very happy to talk to the sellers, so were they. we wanted to buy some chicken for lunch, I encoraged Mary to ask for price, Marry was a little nevous, she ask the seller:" How much is the cock?" ,the seller said:" yeah..., I am not sure whether it is a cock or a hen" .Mary didn't know what to do, she looked at me, I laughed " How much is the chicken?' " Yes , yes, I see. " All of the people laughed.

Then we went to buy some eggs, I asked Mary :" Do you want to buy hens' sons or daughters?" Mary shouted:" I can say eggs". We laughed again, the people looked at us in surprie, Mary stopped me " Be quiet, please". Then we bought some fruit and went home happily.

What an interesting shopping experience!


OnceI was in Beijing, I went shopping in the Front Gate Walking Street, for Iwanted to buy some souvenirs for my friends.


Therewere so many things on sale that I didn't know what to buy. Suddenly, I saw twostatues which looked so beautiful. I decided to buy them. So I asked the price.“It’s twenty yuan each," said the boss. I tried to make a bargain withhim. He refused at first, but when I was going to leave, he stopped me andsaid," OK, you can have both of them at ten yuan." Therefore, Ibought both of them home at last.


Iwas very happy on that day, because it was the first time that I had made abargain with a businessman so successfully.



In a casual talk, one of my colleagues reminded me that I hadn’t updated my wardrobe for quite a long time, adding if I remained in the same clothes, the summer would elapse soon. Looking back on the past few months, I did care little about my dressing. For one thing, I am always fully engaged. Most of the time, I have to bury myself in my present , preparing lessons, marking the students’ paper, or instructing the problem children. I couldn’t drag myself from those trifles. Even so, lots of school work stillremains to be done. For another, as we all know, the prices of food and natural energy are going up sharply. The soaring prices ofcommodities turn many consumers back. It’s no surprise that a decent shirt will cost us at least 260 RMB. Every time I draw a fewhundred Yuan from bank, it is always used up within several days. Who could explain this phenomenon? Thereby, I would rather not buy new clothes if not for something particular.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/220561/88456801.html


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