英语小笑话大全 爆笑 用英语说的小笑话大全




A father had four sons. One went to the big city,where he became a wealthy businessman,the other three remained in their home town. When their father passed away,the successful son was too busy to attend the funeral,but he told his brothers to spare no expense,since he would pay all the costs.


Shortly thereafter,the wealthy son received an bill for $5,000 from the funeral director,which he paid. But every month afterward he got a bill for $27. Curious about this little item, he wrote to his brothers and asked the reason for the monthly charge.”You told us that we should spare no expense,“his brothers wrote back.“Since you said Dad would like to be in style,we rented him a tuxedo."





I was surprised to learn that my 72-year-old mother dared to drive 900 miles in a 12-year-old car to visit me.When asked how she made out,she told me just fine...until her second night. She had filled the gas tank and didn't have the money for a motel room.


"What did you do?"I asked.


" Well,"she began,“I was driving through this small town and feeling very sleepy. A policeman pulled me over and asked if I had been drinking. When I told him no,he wanted to know why I was weaving all over the road,I explained my situation,’‘Follow me,”he ordered.We then drove to a motel where the nice officer paid for my night's lodging.


"As he was leaving,"Mother continued,”he turned to me and said,I Ma'am,the next time you have to visit your daughter,please take another route.'”




英语小笑话大全 爆笑 用英语说的小笑话大全

A boy of about ten was sitting on a city bus with a briefcase on his lap. Periodically the youngster would whisper into his coat. A woman passenger caught his eye with a quizzical look and,in response,the boy produced a small white mouse from his shirt pocket.”He's just a baby."explained the youngster. "His parents are in here. "Opening his briefcase,he brought forth a pair of slightly Larger. white mice from among a dozen or so that scurried around inside. By this time several other passengers had formed an audience, and the boy patiently explained his interest in mice,how to take care of them, their eating habits, their different personalities and so on.


As the bus pulled up to his stop,the boy slipped the mice back into his briefcase and rose to leave his rapt audience. Starting down the steps,he turned back for a moment.


"They are for my snake. "he said and disappeared out of the door.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/221261/124454141.html


小笑话大全 爆笑 开心一刻笑话大全

1、 地理教过,中国产煤最多的地方是辽宁省抚顺,产铁最多是辽宁省鞍山, 所以抚顺被称为中国的“煤都”,鞍山称为“铁都”。某次考试,试卷上:中国的煤都是(黑的),中国的铁都是(硬的)。考完还说:老师怎么出那么简单的题目?2、 一次语文考试的附

小学生幽默笑话 小笑话大全 爆笑

1.题目: 原来小朋友写: 原来他是我爸爸。老师评语: 妈妈关切一下2.照样造句题目: (树呀树呀)我把你(种下)小朋友写: (汤圆汤圆)我把你(吃掉)老师评语: 真是可爱~~3.题目: 天才小朋友写: 我3天才洗一次澡。老师评语: 要每天洗才干净~

经典长笑话 抢匪的爆笑日记 经典小笑话大全 爆笑

偶一朋友干公安,抓获了一个抢银行的家伙,从这家伙住所搜出了一本日记。后来,他推荐给我。现在摘录部分,犒劳各位笑友,好笑的话就顶顶。  3月1日,今天我做出了一个伟大的决定,我要抢银行了。但到底要抢那一家,却是我这一生最难做出的决定。

英语笑话大全 爆笑 关于爆笑英语笑话小短文大全

英语笑话能够折射出社会生活中的方方面面,因为笑话是源于人们的生活的。小编整理了关于爆笑英语笑话小短文,欢迎阅读!关于爆笑英语笑话小短文:Sherlock HomesSherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip.After a good

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