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会计人员简历模板 保险人员英文简历模板

Devan Brewer

423, Kill show ST,

Illinois, IL, 43849

(674) 412- 6342



To obtain an executive level position in an insurance agency whereby I would get the most out of my abilities and challenge my limits.


Proven sales ability. Highly organized and efficient. Extremely capable manager and leader. Proficient in all phases of organizing and coordinating projects, meeting deadlines, and meeting budgets.


State Home Insurance, Cleveland, OH

Lead Associate, Sales, 1998 to Present

Supervised department of 20 employees. Responsibilities included development of new accounts and management of ongoing corporate accounts. Responsible for interviewing, hiring, and training new personnel.

Direct Insurance, Cleveland, OH

Sales Agent,1992 to 1997

Specialized in sale of life insurance policy. Office's highest grossing salesman for three consecutive years, 1994 - 1997.

Hawbaker And Kazminski, Des Moines, Iowa

Legal Secretary, 1988 to 1992

Worked for three lawyers specializing in personal injury law and malpractice. Wrote rough drafts of briefs in malpractice cases. Regular correspondence with insurance company representatives.


Insurance Institute, Baltimore, MD

M.B.A., Business Administration, 1994

University of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa

B.A., Business Law, 1990


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/221661/622275603.html


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