The summer of 2002 saw many forest fires. It had been a very dry year and forest fires were everywhere. One particular fire could not becontrolled and it destroyed a small housing community called Scenic Hill. Luckily, the community had received a warning from the fire fighters; and the residents were able to escape but their homes and belongings turned to ashes.
Thirty-four homes out of fifty-eight burnt down. Many people lost everything and didn’t have any house insurance. The media covered the tragedy and donation funds were set up so people could give money to help out the homeless families.
Local hotels gave free rooms and provided meals. Neighboring communities went through their belongings and packed up things like clothing, canned food, blankets, shoes and toys to donate to the families in need.

The people of Scenic Hill may have lost their homes, but they did not lose their faith in humanity. With the help and generosity of others, they slowly began to build up their community again.
I thought I was a calm and collected person until oneday at the office when my anger got the best of me.I was in a meeting and I felt like I wasn't beinglistened to. I felt that my ideas were being put downand people were interrupting me. I couldn't take itand I shouted, “Listen to me!”
My sudden outburst made the room go very quiet and I felt embarrassed. I definitely didn'thandle my emotions very well! Not long after the incident, a colleague of mine came to myrescue. She took me for lunch and gave me a book to read.
It was a book about recognizing your feelings so you can understand them and not let themcontrol you. It gave me lessons to follow and some great advice. I feel I have come a long way.The other day my supervisor pulled me into her office and told me she recognized animprovement in my attitude. It felt great to hear this and gave me the encouragement Ineeded to continue working on myself.
Two weeks before opening night, our lead actor hadbroken his ankle and couldn't perform in the play.We had a big problem on our hands.
During dress rehearsal a background actor namedLauren,shyly spoke up and said that she knew allthe lines by heart. She said that the play had been her favorite while growing up and that sheand her grandfather used to act it out for fun.
She said she could stand in until we could find a man to take the role. It was difficult doing thescenes without an actor so we gratefully accepted her offer. As the days passed, we were soimpressed by Lauren's great acting that we decided we didn't need to find anyone else. Laurenwas very happy to have the role.
Lauren's grandfather had been dead for several years, but in honor of him, she bought him aseat for the opening night. Throughout the performance, she looked at the empty seat andimagined her grandfather sitting in it with a big smile on his face.