英文诗歌朗诵三分钟 适合小学生朗诵的英文诗歌



taking leave of friends on my way to huazhou

du fu

in the second year of zhide, i escaped from the capital through the gate of golden light and went to fengxiang. in the first year of qianyuan, i was appointed as official to huazhou from my former post of censor. friends and relatives gathered and saw me leave by the same gate. and i wrote this poem.

this is the road by which i fled,

when the rebels had reached the west end of the city;

and terror, ever since, has clutched at my vitals

lest some of my soul should never return.

...the court has come back now, filling the capital;

but the emperor sends me away again.

useless and old, i rein in my horse

for one last look at the thousand gates.


此道昔归顺, 西郊胡正繁。

至今残破胆, 应有未招魂。

近得归京邑, 移官岂至尊。

无才日衰老, 驻马望千门。


a sigh in the spring palace

du xunhe

knowing beauty my misfortune,

i face my mirror with a sigh.

to please a fastidious emperor,

how shall i array myself?....

birds flock and sing when the wind is warm,

flower-shadows climb when the sun is high --

and year after year girls in the south

are picking hibiscus, dreaming of love!



早被婵娟误, 欲妆临镜慵。

承恩不在貌, 教妾若为容?

风暖鸟声碎, 日高花影重。

年年越溪女, 相忆采芙蓉。



shen quanqi

against the city of the yellow dragon

our troops were sent long years ago,

and girls here watch the same melancholy moon

that lights our chinese warriors --

and young wives dream a dream of spring,

that last night their heroic husbands,

in a great attack, with flags and drums,

captured the city of the yellow dragon.



闻道黄龙戍, 频年不解兵。

可怜闺里月, 长在汉家营。

少妇今春意, 良人昨夜情。

谁能将旗鼓, 一为取龙城。


to a friend bound east

wen tingyun

the old fort brims with yellow leaves....

you insist upon forsaking this place where you have lived.

a high wind blows at hanyang ferry

and sunrise lights the summit of yingmen....

who will be left for me along the upper yangzi

after your solitary skiff has entered the end of the sky?

i ask you over and over when we shall meet again,

英文诗歌朗诵三分钟 适合小学生朗诵的英文诗歌

while we soften with winecups this ache of farewell.



荒戍落黄叶, 浩然离故关。

高风汉阳渡, 初日郢门山。

江上几人在? 天涯孤棹还。

何当重相见? 樽酒慰离颜。


farewell to vice-prefect du setting out for his official post in shu

wang bo

by this wall that surrounds the three qin districts,

through a mist that makes five rivers one,

we bid each other a sad farewell,

we two officials going opposite ways....

and yet, while china holds our friendship,

and heaven remains our neighbourhood,

why should you linger at the fork of the road,

wiping your eyes like a heart-broken child?



城阙辅三秦, 风烟望五津。

与君离别意, 同是宦游人。

海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。

无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/222961/926044410.html


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