母亲节绘本 母亲节绘本文章-母亲英语绘本文章4篇



母亲节绘本文章:Five Minutes Peace(让我安静五分钟)

The children were having breakfast.


This was not a pleasant sight.


Mrs. Large took a tray from the cupboard.


She set it with a teapot, a milk jug, her favorite cup and saucer, a plate of marmalade toast and a leftover cake from yesterday.


She stuffed the morning paper into her pocket and sneaked off toward the door.


“Where are you going with tray, Mom?” asked Laura.


“To the bathroom,” said Mrs. Large.


“Why?” asked the other two children.


“Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs. Large. “That’s why.”


“Can we come?” asked Lester as they trailed up the stairs behind her.


“No,” said Mrs. Large, “you can’t.”


“What shall we do then?” asked Laura.


“You can play,” said Mrs. Large. “Downstairs. By yourselves. And keep an eye on the baby.”


“I’m not a baby,” muttered the little one.


Mrs. Large ran a deep, hot bath.


She emptied half a bottle of bubble bath into the water, plunked on her shower cap and got in.


She poured herself a cup of tea and lay back with her eyes closed. It was heaven.


“Can I play you my tune?” asked Lester.


Mrs. Large opened one eye. “Must you?” she asked.


“I’ve been practicing,” said Lester, “You told me to. Can I? Please, just for one minute.”


“Go on then,” sighed Mrs. Large. “那吹吧”庞太太叹了口气

So Lester played. He played “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” three and a half times.


In came Laura. “Can I read you a page from my read you a page from my reading book?” she asked.


“No, Laura,” said Mrs. Large. “Go on, all of you, off downstairs.”


“You let Lester play his tune,” said Laura.


“I heard. You let Lester play his tune," said Laura."I heard. You like him better than me. It’s not fair.”


“Oh, don’t be silly, Laura,” said Mrs. Large “Go on then. Just one page.”


So Laura read. She read four and a half pages of “Little Red Riding Hood.”


In came the little one with a trunkful of toys.


“For you!” he beamed, flinging them all into the bath water.


“Thank you, dear,” said Mrs. Large weakly.


“Can I see the cartoons in the paper?” asked Laura.


“Can I have the cake?” asked Lester.


“Can I get in with you?” asked the little one.


Mrs. Large groaned.


In the end they all got in.


The little one was in such a hurry that he forget to take off his pajamas.


Mrs. Large got out. She dried herself, put on her bathrobe and headed for the door.


“Where are you going now, Mom?” asked Laura.


“To the kitchen,” said Mrs. Large.


“Why?” asked Lester.


“Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs. Large. “That’s why.”

母亲节绘本 母亲节绘本文章-母亲英语绘本文章4篇


And off she went downstairs,


where she had three minutes and forty-five seconds of peace before they all came to join her.


母亲节绘本文章:A chair of my mother妈妈的红沙发

My mother works as a waitress in the Blue Tile Diner.

After school sometimes I go to meet her there.

Then her boss Josephine gives me a job too.

I wash the salts and peppers and fill the ketchups.

One time I peeled all the onions for the onion soup.

When I finish, Josephine says, "Good work, honey, " and pays me.

And every time, I put half of my money into the jar.

I takes a long time to fill a jar this big.

Every day when my mother comes home from work,

I take down the jar.

My mama empties all her change from tips out of her purse for me to count.

Then we push all of the coins into the jar.

Sometimes my mama is laughing when she comes home from work.

Sometimes she's so tired she falls asleep

while I count the money out into piles.

Some days she has lots of tips. Some days she has only a little.

Then she looks worried.

But each evening every single shiny coin goes into the jar.

We sit in the kitchen to count the tips.

Usually Grandma sits with us too.

While we count, she likes to hum.

Often she has money in her old leather wallet for us.

Whenever she gets a good bargain on tomatoes or bananas or something she buys, she puts by the savings and they go into the jar.

When we can't get a single other coin into the jar,

we are going to take out all the money and go and buy a chair.

Yes, a chair. A wonderful, beautiful, fat, soft armchair.

We will get one covered in velvet with roses all over it.

We are going to get the best chair in the whole world.

That is because our old chairs burned up.

There was a big fire in our other house. All our chairs burned.

So did our sofa and so did everything else.

That wasn't such a long time ago.


















爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/223661/824393594.html


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