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Taking a historical view about agriculture, we canquite easily understand how much we rely on thistrade, including the mode of life and the way wethink. As a result of population increase andpetroleum industry, many methods that have beenunthinkable before can now be adopted ,such asfactory farming and inventing new types of fruits and vegetables. Many stand for this, whilstmany others oppose it.

Proponents argue that traditional agriculture has always been slow and lack of efficiencyin mass production of food, which is already a serious problem in many countries. Also , factoryfarming can be very profitable since we can just get rid of the impact from climatic factors andpest invasion , thus every drop of nutrition can be utilized for every grain of food. Newvarieties of plant can also be a part of industrial production of food, since geneticists can beemployed for more high-yielding species and new breeds of vegetables.

Opponents list the harm of factory production of agriculture, ranging from genetic disasterto the overuse of fertilizers. For them , the concern of natural and organic food is above allother factors, they can even ignore the high price of fruits and vegetable, only if they areorganic and grown in the field, that may mean safety even to the genetic level.

I personally agree with the former. As we can easily see, human population has beenexplosively growing in the last half century, much faster than any period of history. Traditionalmodes of agriculture may be just too slow to monotonous to fulfill the appetite of us. Ergo,the trend from the field to the workshops just cannot be resisted.


Air transport is increasingly used to exporttypes of fruits and vegetables to countries wherethose plants can't grow or out of season. Some sayit is a good thing, but others consider this use of airtransport can't be justified. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.

Air transport is commonly used to move fruitsand vegetables to places where those farm productscan't grow or are out of season. The benefits ofsuch business are obvious, but air transport also creates a number of problems.

Transport of fruits and vegetables by air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety offresh and in-season farm products from all over the world. Not only is air transport good forconsumers, it is also a blessing for farmers because the market is no longer restricted byregions. As a result, air transport increases the sale volume by selling more products in moreplaces.

Moreover, air transport of food has now become a major resource of incomes for aircompanies. In the past, air companies' business mainly came from serving passengers.However, facing an increasingly tough market, air companies need to expand their share ofmarket to serve a wider range of customers in order to stay in the game and make a profit.With a booming economy and more money to spend, people create a great potential for foodtransport business and good margin for air companies.

In spite of such benefits, air transport is not free of problems. One major issue is highcost. Air transport is probably the most expensive way of transport. Higher costs entail highprices, which in turn deprive people with less money the opportunities to enjoy such privileges.So air transported food is now for the rich, a fact that is unfair for poor people.

In addition, it is not the best option to solve problems by transporting food from outsidefor places where certain kinds of fruits does not grow. The most optimal way, it seems to me,is that we should change the environment required by such plants using scientific andbiological methods such as creating suitable soil and temperature. Such solutions will beproven to be ultimately cost-effective and fundamental.

雅思作文范文 雅思大作文范文2篇 农业类

More importantly, research indicates that air transport pollutes the environment. Forexample, Britain transports half its food by air. However one kilo New Zealand fruit emits fivekilo warm house gas on its way to destination. Therefore, some environmental groups andbooks advocate people to distinguish local fruit and air-transported fruit in an effort to cutthe pollution from food consumption.

In conclusion, air transport has many benefits for consumers and farmers, but it also hasproblems such as high cost and pollution. More effective and environmental friendly solutionshould be found to address such problems.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/223761/957106293.html


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