鞍山千山导游词 鞍山英文导游词3篇



Anshan is located in the middle of liaoning province, is China's important steel production bases, hence "steel capital".

Anshan is moderate, geographical position in the liaodong peninsula opening to the outside area is connected with dalian as front, jinzhou, yingkou, dandong, for the two wings, shenyang as the hinterland of the central urban agglomeration of pivot.

Anshan rich in natural resources, and around the city more than ten billion tons of iron ore reserves, a quarter of the total reserves; South and south-east is magnesite enrichment zone, accounts for about a quarter of world reserves; Talc ore is one of three major regions in our country, leads the world in reserves; Xiuyan region known as the "jade" the laudatory name, has rich resources of jade; In addition, the agricultural resources, geothermal resource is rich.

Building in anshan city, although late, but he is very long history. Ever produce colorful culture, here is one of the birthplace of ancient human. From the archaeological discovery of haicheng the xiaogushan paleoanthropological sites show that in about 20000 years ago, humans began to reproduced here. In haicheng, moreover, the analysis of wood, arched, DaTun, bifurcation, aojiang teng, were found to have the neolithic stone tents, stone; Old fort in anshan area found that late warring states period of bronze, copper arrowheads, etc, is further evidence that here as well as the central plains, umbilical early into the ranks of the human civilization, constitute an integral part of the family of the Chinese nation. In the warring states, qin and han dynasties, today most of anshan realm has been affected by the liaodong county the first county to make flat county county jurisdiction. In haicheng county new realm is the western han dynasty liaodong county county, liaoning team counties, cities and counties over to Ann. In taian county realm for risks to blaspheme county territory of the western han dynasty. This realm is xiuyan manchu autonomous county of yan ping county governs liaodong county. For more than 2000 years later, or belongs to the county, or belong to the countries (such as the western jin dynasty establish the liaodong countries), or belong to the road, road, who governs, government governs, state, and that of provincial, county, and its establishment according to the generation of sequential.

Anshan is very rich in tourism resources, known as "the pearl of the northeast" qianshan mountain National scenic area, is China's largest ridge hot springs hot springs rehabilitation center soup, there is "the world" colorful jade Buddha, and dongshan urban forest park, medicine mountain scenic spot of xiuyan, haicheng baiyun mountain scenic area, etc.; Represented by anshan international hotel of a large number of high middle-grade hotel can provide tourists with comfortable recreational environment; Haicheng nishiyanagi clothing market, south Taiwan bags, xiuyan jade market and in anshan city each big market, will also offer to saddle the ideal place for shopping.


Anshan is located in the middle of liaoning province, east longitude 122 ° 10 '- 123 ° 13 ', north latitude 40 ° 27 '- 41 ° 34 ' throughout north and south 175 kilometers, the longest things most 133 km wide, with liaoyang county adjacent to the northeast, connected to the merchant, and dashiqiao, zhuanghe, FengCheng county bordering south. City 89 kilometers away from the seat of the people's government of shenyang, liaoning province, east 96 kilometers away from DouBenXi of coal, iron, south, 308 kilometers away from dalian port, 120 kilometers southwest from yingkou postscript fish circle, 103 kilometers west of panjin. Is China's important steel production bases, hence "steel capital".

It governs haicheng county, taian county, xiuyan manchu autonomous county and TieDong, vega, mountain and qianshan mountain four urban areas. The city's total area of 9252 square kilometers and a population of 9252 people. The city covers an area of 624 square kilometers and a population of 1.456 million people, is one of China's big cities with a population of millions more. Anshan in the liaodong peninsula opening to the outside world, in the city have the advantage of ",, ". The geographical position is moderate, in the liaodong peninsula opening to the outside area is connected with dalian as front, jinzhou, yingkou, dandong, for the two wings, shenyang as the hinterland of the central urban agglomeration crossroads. Within the territory of convenient transportation, has grown up, trench rail, sea glaze railway, ha da highway, shenyang - dalian highway and anshan to Beijing and air routes of huizhou, foshan, and launched a train from anshan to Beijing.

Around anshan rich in resources, the city iron ore reserves of more than ten billion tons, accounting for a quarter of the national reserves; South and south-east is magnesite enrichment zone, accounts for about a quarter of world reserves; Talc ore is one of three major regions in our country, leads the world in reserves; Xiuyan region known as the "jade" the laudatory name, has rich resources of jade; In addition, the agricultural resources, geothermal resources, tourism resources are abundant. These advantages for the economic development of anshan, opening to the outside world and joint cooperation provides very favorable conditions.

鞍山千山导游词 鞍山英文导游词3篇


Anshan, liaoning's third largest city, northeast China's fifth largest city, is located in the middle of the liaodong peninsula, because there are a pair of shaped like a saddle mountain city south (manchu think jose allyn, meaning saddleback mountain). Liaoning anshan is located in the hinterland of the bohai sea economic zone, is one of the important fulcrum, shenyang - dalian golden economic belt is also the shenyang economic zone (the original central liaoning urban agglomeration) and important connections with the liaoning coastal economic belt. It is approved by the state council have local legislative power of the big city. Anshan is one of the largest iron and steel industry in northeast city, new China's first city, iron and steel industry has "steel capital of the republic of" reputation, is the cradle of new China iron and steel industry. Because of the rich in jade, so there is "Chinese jade". Anshan is one of the big cities in China, has the world's first jade Buddha - jade Buddha garden ridge scenic area, the Asian famous soup hot spring qianshan mountain scenic spot and the country. It governs four districts, a county-level city, a county and a autonomous county.

Anshan, saddle for short, is China's third largest city in liaoning province, anshan for southern city named a mountain that has been shaped like a saddle.

Anshan city jurisdiction Haifa, taian county, xiuyan manchu autonomous county and tiedong, I, lishan district, qianshan mountain ridge new town (soup), anshan high-tech zone, bay and other six urban area, urban area of 797 square kilometers. With a total area of 9252 square kilometers and a population of 9252 people. Anshan city by the end of 2014, a total population of 3481999 people.

Anshan is a warm temperate continental monsoon climate, four seasons, abundant precipitation. Eastern mountainous area of forest vegetation is rich, the forest coverage rate 50%, rich apple, pear, chestnut, tussah, south fruit pear is a famous specialty in anshan. Major western plains of cultivated land area of 282000 hectares, producing corn, rice, beans, peanuts.

Anshan is China excellent tourist city, with the world's largest jade Buddha, trip to Asia famous hot springs, anshan iron and steel (industrial tourism), south fruit picked pears, anshan, China (every) of pear flower festival, the national mountains and the treasure jade are numerous tourist brands.


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