When I was teaching a Grade One class, Billy's tooth just popped out. He was examming it inwonderment when Joan turned around to tell him about the tooth fairy: how she put her toothunder her pillow when she went to bed, and when she woke in the morning, the tooth wasgone, a shiny quarter in its place. Billy put his tooth in his pocket thoughtfully. When it wastime to go home, Billy walked over to Joan, handed her the tooth and said:"you can put mytooth under your pillow and bring the money on Monday."
Tooth fairy: 牙齿精灵,是西方文化中儿童喜欢的人物。儿童把掉下的乳牙送给精灵,会得到小额金钱或者小礼物。
The Crab and His Mother
"My child," said a Crab to her son, "why do you walk so awkward? If you wish to make a goodappearance, you should go straight forward, and not to one side as you do so constantly."
"I do wish to make a good appearance, Mamma" said the young Crab; “and if you will show mehow, I will try to walk straight forward."
"Why, this is the way, of course," said the mother, as she started off to the right, "No, this isthe way," said she, as she made another attempt, to the left.
The little Crab smiled. "When you learn to do it yourself, you can teach me," he said, and hewent back to his play.
A burglar broke into a house and was skulking as silently as he could when he heard a voice say "Jesus is watching".
He stopped dead in his tracks and listened.
A minute went by and he heard nothing, so he started to move again. "Jesus is watching", came the voice in the dark.
His eyes were adjusting to the light and he noticed a cage in the corner containing a parrot.
"Was that you talking bird?"
The parrot said, "yes".
"What's your name little bird?"
"Clarence", the parrot said.
"Clarence? who would name a bird Clarence?" , the burglar laughed.
The parrot said, "The same person who named the rottweiller Jesus"!
