中国古代笑话故事短篇 短篇英文笑话故事_简短的英语笑话故事



Rodents had overrun a posh(时髦的)private school near New York City. So the headmaster, a friend of mine, asked a health inspector to deliver a slide presentation to teachers and students, showing how to remedy the situation, i.e. stow(装载,收藏) trash, no food in class, etc.

The following day, a teacher had her very young children write a letter to the inspector, thanking him for the visit. One of the students wrote, "Dear Mr. Johnson, Thank you for coming to my school. Until I saw you, I didn't know what a rat looked like."

啮齿类动物在纽约市附近的一家时尚的私立学校泛滥成灾。 那家学校的校长(我的一个朋友) 请来了一位健康检查员来给在校师生作一次幻灯演示,告诉他们如何处理这种情况,如,要垃圾装好,上课不能吃东西等等。

中国古代笑话故事短篇 短篇英文笑话故事_简短的英语笑话故事

第二天,一个老师让她的那些年纪还非常小的学生给那位检查员写封信,感谢他的来访。 其中一个学生这样写道,“亲爱的约翰逊先生, 感谢您来到我的学校。在看到你之前,我还不知道老鼠长的什么样子。”。

短篇英文笑话故事:Is ink so expensive


Son: Is ink so very expensive, father?

Father: Why, son, what makes you think so?

Son: W...well. Mother seems quite disturbed because I spilled some on the carpet.




短篇英文笑话故事:Name Game

A first-grade class is having a game of Name That Animal.

The teacher held up a picture of a cat.

"What animal is this?" she asked.

"A cat!" said Eddie.

"Good job! Now, what is this animal?"

"A dog!" said Eddie.

"Good! Now what animal is this?" she asked, holding up a picture of a

Deer. The class fell silent. After a couple of minutes, the teacher said,

"It's what your mom calls your dad."

"A horny bastard," called out Eddie.

短篇英文笑话故事:Too much TV?????

A mother was reading a book about animals to her 3 year old daughter:

Mother: "What does the cow say?"

Child: "Moo!"

Mother: "Great! What does the cat say?"

Child: "Meow."

Mother: "Oh, you're so smart! What does the frog say?"

And this wide-eyed little 3 yr. old looked up at her mother and in her deepest voice replied,


短篇英文笑话故事:Math multiplication

TEACHER: Cindy, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?

CINDY: You told me to do it without using tables!


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中国古代哲理故事*第一编 神话故事一 中国古代神话故事全集

浓厚的浪漫主义色彩下蕴含着丰富的想像力, 朴素的哲理思想虽然简奥,但用意深远。《中国古代哲理故事》第一编 神话故事(一)开天辟地相传,天地本来是黑暗混沌的一团,好像一个大鸡蛋。鸡蛋里漆黑一团,没有天地,没有日月星辰,更没有人类生存。于

《中国古代神话故事全集》 中国古代神话故事图片

中国古代神话故事全集一、共工怒触不周山据传说,颛顼(Zhuān Xū)是黄帝的孙子,号高阳氏,居(住在)子帝五(今河南濮阳附近)。他聪明敏慧,有智谋,在民众中有很高的威信。他统治的地盘也大了很多,北到现在的河北一带,南到南岭以南,西到现在的甘肃一带

中国古代哲理故事*第四编 历史故事四 古代哲理小故事

《中国古代哲理故事》第四编 历史故事(四)掣肘难书宓子贱接受鲁王的任命去治理单父这个地方,但是他又怕鲁王听信小人谗言,使他不能按照自己的想法去治理单父,所以在即将辞行,快要上马赴任时,子贱突然停下来对鲁王说:“大王,我想要您身边两名

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