W: The music sounds good! Let me see... the CD is named Children of Our Time.
A: Absolutely! It's the latest CD released by Schola Cantorum of Oxford. It is said that the CD was recorded in 1995 by J'eremy Summerly, the former conductor of the choir. ,
A:当然!这可是牛津大学合唱团的最新唱片。据说,该唱片是由杰里米?萨莫 里于1995年录制的,也就是含唱团的前指挥。
W: Schola Cantorum of Oxford? I have gone to the cercent a few years ago when it was on a concert tour of China to promote cultural exchange. The conductor then was James Burton.
W:牛津大学合唱团?它前几年为促进文化交流来中国巡演的时候我还去音乐会 现场了呢!当时的指挥是詹姆斯?伯顿。
A: Right! Schola Cantorum was conducted by Jeremy Summerly between 1990 and 2001. In 2002,James Burton was appointed Music Director of the choir. He is well known for his inspirational work with choirs and orchestras. Oxford Times has ever commented that the choir “performed with confidence, producing a sound that was consistently pure and vibrant "and that “under Burton’s decisive conducting, every entry was watertight,diction was impeccable,and every phrase packed with feeling”.
A:对!在1990年到2001年间,含唱团的指挥由杰里米?萨莫里担任。在2002 年的时候,詹姆斯?伯顿就被任命为合唱团的音乐总监了。他与含唱团和乐队 的合作极富灵性,也因此而闻名于世。《牛津时报》曾经发表评论称,合唱团 的表演11充满自信,音色纯净而富于生气”,"在伯顿精准的指挥下,整个表 演滴水不漏,发音无懈可击,歌声饱含感情”。
W: That is it! Your comment is very apt.
A: However, Schola Cantorum also did a good job! It is the most dynamic and successful chamber choir in the University of Oxford. The choir has toured extensively, and owned a high international reputation.
W: Really? Which countries did the choir tour of?
A: A great many, such as Mexico, Argentina, Spain, France, Japan and South Africa. Since appointed Music Director of the choir, James Burton has given concerts with the choir all over the world. Schola Cantorum has given ground-breakingconcert tours of Mexico and Argentina respectively in 2004 and 2005.
A:非常多,比如墨西哥、阿根廷、西班牙、法国、日本和南非。自从被任命为 合唱团的音乐总监后,詹姆斯?伯顿就带领含唱团在世界各地演出。含唱团分 别于2004年和2005年在墨西哥和阿根廷进行了具有突破性意义的巡演。
W: Wow! What a marvelous choir it is!
A: Yeah! Its continual success stems from a long line of eminent conductors including Andrew Parrott, Nicholas Cleobury, Ivor Bolton and Jeremy Summerly. Moreover, the choir also has worked with many eminent musicians including Leonard Bernstein, Gustav Leonhardt,Sir Colin Davis and Sir Neville Marriner, as well as Britten, Tippett and Stravinsky in performances of their own music.
A:是的!它的不断成功源于多位著名指挥家的指挥,包括安德鲁?帕洛特、尼 古拉斯?克留贝利、艾弗?博尔顿和杰里米?萨莫里等都曾担任过含唱团的指挥。 此外,含唱团还与很多位知名音乐家含作过,包括雷昂纳德.伯恩斯坦、古 斯塔夫?英昂哈特、科林?戴维斯爵士和内维尔马里纳爵士,还有自己作曲的 布里顿、蒂皮特和斯特拉文斯基。
W: I don't think working with so many renowned conductors and musicians is the major reason for the choir’s success.
A: Well... you are right to a certain extent. The choir inherited the Oxford’s traditional classical chorus with a history of more than 800 years. It has achieved professional level in performing well known works.
A:哦..…一定程度上来说你是对的。含唱团传承了牛津大学800多年来的古典 含唱传统。它在对著名作品的演绎上已经达到了很高的专业水准。
W: I agree with you. The choir really gave a wonderful performance in China, though Vm a layman.
A: It also continues to work closely with composers in the performance of new music. In 2006, the choir performed The Oxford Blues Service, the work of modem composer Roderick Williams, which was live broadcast on BBC Radio 3.

A:它还不断与作曲家密切含作表演最新的音乐。2006年,英国广播公司第三广 播电台直揺了牛津含唱团演唱的《牛津蓝调巴士》,这是现代作曲家罗德里 克?威廉姆斯的作品。
W: The choir pays more attetion to the search for breakthroughs and innovation of its style continuously, performing lots of new works of modem composers. No wonder it can make such great achievements!
W:将很多现代音乐家的新锐作品纳入其演出曲目中,含唱团在风格上不断寻求 突破和创新。难怪它会取得如此大的成就丨
A: Quite right! In April 2005,Schola Cantorum celebrated its 45th birthday with a performance of Bach’s Mass in B Minor in Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre.
A:含唱团完全正确!在2005年4月含唱团成立45周年之际,并且在牛津谢东 尼奧剧院表演了巴赫的B小调弥撒。
W: 45th birthday? When was it founded?
W: 45周年?它什么时候成立的?
A: It was established as early as in 1960, and it held its 50th anniversary reunion concert on May 1st this year.
A:它早在1960年就成立了,今年5月1日它就举办了 50周年重聚音乐会。
W: Well, the concert must have been very ceremonious,right?
A: Yes. Schola Cantorum was joined by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and over 100 former members for its 50th anniversary reunion concert.
A:是的。当时,启蒙时代管弦乐团将和牛津大学合唱团一起为其50 II]年重聚 音乐会演出,百余位合唱团前成员也来参加了演出。
W: What a pity! We didn’t go to the concert.
J: Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you for a long time!
N: Yeah! How are you? Jane!
J; I'm fine! What are you doing now?
N: Oh! I’m watching the rebroadcast of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. The race is so wonderful! It looks like a dead heat between the two teams.
喚!我正在看牛津剑桥赛艇对杭赛的重擋。这场比赛太精彩了!看起来两队 的实力不相上下。
J: Right! However, the Cambridge Rowing Team won victory in the end.
N: Really? Have you watched the live broadcast of the race?