减少交通事故的措施 减少交通事故的初中英语作文



Traffic accident in our side to happen from time to tome,we should study well some knowledge to avoid traffic accidents.

First,we can't red light,abide by traffic order.Secondly,tell relatives don't drive as drinking,safe driving.Then,find road damage,inform relevant departments,early solve the problems.Finally,an active part in social activities,protect our order society!

That's my advice!I wish you a happy...



减少交通事故的措施 减少交通事故的初中英语作文



Traffic accidents With the increasing of the number of the traffic accidents ,a lot of people injured or killed by traffic accidents. The reason why there are so many traffic accidents is that there are so many cars and trucks on the road, and the drivers are lack of traffic sense and responsibility. Some drivers do not obey the traffic rules and drunken driving caused the accident. In my opinion, most road accidents can be avoided. The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to make some rules that all drivers must follow and be strict with them. If we reinforce the traffic security education and more people comply with traffic regulations, I believe one day traffic accidents can be avoided.



In these years, as the development of private cars, the number of traffic accidents has also been increasing, which cause a large amount of property loss and even lots of deaths. As a result, how to avoid traffic accidents has become an important social problem.

From my own point of view, first of all, more citizens should be educated on traffic rules in TV programs, newspapers and other ways. Following these rules can prevent many accidents from happening. Second, the government should take more measures to encourage public means of transportation like bus and subway, which can ease the traffic pressure and protect the environment at the same time. Third, all the drivers should be concentrated and responsible on the road for the sake of themselves and all the others.

In a word, only all of us make efforts can we hope to decrease the number of traffic accidents. We should go into action from now on.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/226461/515009802.html


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