防晒霜的英语说法:sunscreen cream
防晒霜相关英语表达:婴儿防晒霜 Baby UV Cream
涂防晒霜 wear sunscreen
防晒霜的英语例句:1. Sunblock should be reapplied every hour.
2. Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet.
3. If you must be in the sunlight, use the strongest filter cream you can get.
4. I use a sunscreen whenever there is even a remote possibility that I will be in the sun.
5. Even dark-skinned women should use sunscreens.
6. We can protect skin from ultraviolet light by using a sunblock.
7. She anointed herself with suntan lotion.
8. One week. I forgot to bring my sun block.
一周. 我忘了带防晒霜.
9. Experts advise that sunscreen should be reapplied on an hourly basis.
10. This is the only sunscreen both I and my daughter - in - law can use.
这是独逐一款我和我的 儿媳 可以或许一路使用的防晒霜.
11. Sunscreen and insect repellent, not coats and hats, are essential gear here.
这里最需要的不是衣服或者帽子, 而且防晒霜以及驱蚊水.
12. If insect repellant or makeup is also being worn , apply sunscreen first.
如果还需要涂抹驱虫霜或者需要化妆, 请首先涂抹防晒霜.
13. We shall take the sun block, make - up clothes and so on.
比如防晒霜, 化妆品,衣服等等.
14. Yes. Did you apply sun block lotion to your body?
是很漂亮.你涂防晒霜了 吗 ?
15. Oil based make - up , suntan oil, hair gels and sprays.
油性的 化妆, 防晒霜, 发胶和发喷.