英语美文精选及翻译 有关英语笑话带翻译精选



The psychology instructor had just finished a lecture on mental health and was giving an oral test.


Speaking specifically about manic depression, she asked, "How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, then sits in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next?"


A young man in the rear raised his hand and answered, "A basketball coach?"


英语美文精选及翻译 有关英语笑话带翻译精选


Three sons discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother.

The first said, "Ibuilt a big house for our mother."The second said, "I sent her a Mercedes with a driver."Thethird smiled and said, "I've got you both beat. Remember how mom enjoyed reading the Bible?And you know she can't see very well. I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entireBible. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot recites it."

Soonthereafter, mom sent out her letters of thanks.

She wrote one son, "the house you built isso huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house." She wrote to another, "I am too old to travel. I stay most of the time at home, so I rarely use theMercedes."

"Dearest Donald," she wrote to her third son, "you have the good sense to knowwhat your mother likes. The chicken was delicious."


大儿子说,“我给妈妈建一幢大房子。”二儿子说,“我给她买一辆奔驰。”三儿子笑着说,“你们的礼物都不好。还记得妈妈多喜欢读圣经吗?现在她视力不大好看不了了。我送她一只鹦鹉,会背诵圣经的。妈妈只要起个头,它就可以接着背下去。” 不久之后,妈妈分别给三人发了感谢信。她给大儿子写道,“你建的房子太大了,我只能住一间屋,可是要打扫整幢房子的卫生。”她给二儿子写道,“我太老了,没法出门旅行。大部分时间呆在家里,很少用车。”“亲爱的,”她跟小儿子说,“妈妈的心思你最明白,那只小鸟的味道美极了。”


Heard on a public transportation vehicle in Orlando.


"When you exit the bus, please be sure to lower your head and watch your step."


"If you miss your step and hit your head, please lower your voice and watch your language.Thank you."



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