
宝贝儿的英文例句:1. "Not to worry, Baby," he said, and kissed her tenderly. “没关系,宝贝儿 。”他说道,然后温柔地吻了她一下。
2. Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear. 埃德加,不要抠鼻子,宝贝儿 。
3. I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean it. 对不起,宝贝儿 。我不是有意的。
4. You have to wake up now, baby. 该起床了,宝贝儿 。
5. It's all right, pet, let me do it. 没事儿,宝贝儿 ,让我来吧。
6. Oh darling, I love you. 啊,宝贝儿 ,我爱你。
7. What're you doing tonight, babe? 你今晚做什么,宝贝儿 ?
8. How do you feel about that, babe? 宝贝儿,你觉得那个怎么样?
宝贝儿的英文单词9. A nurse patted me on the shoulder and said, "You have a good cry, dear." 一位护士拍了拍我的肩膀说,“痛快地哭一场吧,宝贝儿 .”
10. " Come, dearest child!'said Hester encouragingly, and stretching out bothher arms. " " 过来, 乖宝贝儿! "海丝特给孩子鼓劲说, 同时伸出了双臂.
11. Don't you bother your pretty head about it, Sugar. 别让你那可爱的小脑袋瓜为这事烦恼了, 宝贝儿.
12. But she caressed the last word until it might have been " darling. " 不过她最后这个字眼时带有爱抚的口气,听起来像是在说 " 宝贝儿 " 了.
13. " And a damned sight too good for you, my pet. " 对于你才他妈的太好了, 我的宝贝儿.
14. " Ain'nobody got a wais'lak mah lamb,'she said approvingly. " 谁也没有俺小宝贝儿这样的腰身, " 她赞赏地说.
15. " There are things more important now than plowing, Sugar. " 如今有比耕种更重要的事情要做呀, 宝贝儿.
16. Jes'weery loads, honey, jes'weery loads . " 只有重担, 宝贝儿, 只有 重担.
17. The sun rose and smiled on it, saying, " Are you well, my darling? " 太阳升上来了,向它微笑, 说道: “ 你好么, 我的宝贝儿? ”
18. And as for Scallawags -- that's you and me, my pet -- we'll be lucky if wearen't spit upon. 至于投靠北方的人 ---- 我是说我和你, 我的宝贝儿 ---- 要不是受到唾弃,就算走运了.
19. Linda : Honey, how about we having lunch at Jacky's Chinese Restaurant? 宝贝儿, 中午我们在陈龙中国饭店吃饭好 吗 ?
20. Jack: That's right, in Tootsie he dressed like a babe. 杰克: 你 说 的对.在《宝贝儿 》一片里他确实穿的像个漂亮宝贝.
21. MP: I would have actually blown up the doll. 恐怕我会吹捧一下我的宝贝儿(? )
22. Of course, sweetie. We'll need them for cranberry dish. 当然, 宝贝儿. 吃越橘子我们要用它们.
23. It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya? 南加州从不下雨可是宝贝儿他们没有警告过你?
24. Mrs. Evans : Think of your future, kitten . These are your chums. 想想你的将来, 宝贝儿 . 这些都是你的同窗密友.
25. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life , my dear. 宝贝儿,每个人的一生总有一些时候需要有个肩膀可以靠着哭泣.
26. Baby I asked you, you do get you want it? 宝贝儿我问你, 你这么做得到你想要的了 吗 ?
27. Get out, darling and let me see the lions eat you. 下车吧, 我的宝贝儿,让我看看那些狮子怎样吃你.
28. Sindu, darling, why don't you ask for something else? Sindu, 宝贝儿, 你为什么不要点别的什么 呢 ?
29. Come over here and kiss me, baby. 过来亲亲我, 宝贝儿.
30. Sweetie, you're sort of dating him. 宝贝儿, 你一直在跟他约会.