网速的英语说法1:internet speed
网速的英语说法2:network speed
网速相关英语表达:网速不好 Internet speed is bad
网速测试 Net Speed Test Lite
网速监控 NetSpeed Monitor
网速的英语例句:1. M: The slow connection speed puts ones in a pickle.
2. It won so many customers that other operators had to follow suit.

3. Not a good speed, play any games are to no avail!
没有良好的网速, 玩什么游戏都是枉然!
4. TD using video monitoring, speed can reach 2 M per second capacity.
采用TD视频 监控, 网速能达到每秒钟2M量.
5. The likelihood is a net fast problem, you can retry later try.
可能是网速问题, 你可以稍后再试试.
6. In the beginning, the few people on LTE will see blazing speeds.
在刚开始的时候, 使用LTE的少量用户将享受超高的网速.
7. Therefore, when the network equipment hardware failure will lead to slow - network.
因此, 当网络设备硬件有故障时也会引起网速变慢.
8. In terms of speed, Japan leads the world.
9. Compere: Besides the net fast besides the element, what is the greatest now difficulty?
主持人: 除了网速的因素之外, 现在最大的困难是什么?
10. This has kept international phone calls horribly overpriced and internet access equally and maddeningly slow.
11. Have used the key associating one recover being able to make net speed change slow?
12. Gain ground as net net fast faster and faster, broadcast hears on the net unchallenged already.
随着宽带网普及,网速越来越快, 网上听广播已不成问题.
13. The software also features a system of highly customizable visual and sound alerts.
14. Because at that time net fast very slow, somebody is disinclined to fall one by one!
因为当时网速很慢, 有人懒得一个一个的下!
15. The failing of this method is the game speed will slow if one client slow.