高职高专写作大赛范文 高职英语写作范文


高职高专写作大赛范文 高职英语写作范文

高职英语写作范文:Notice of Lecture

There wil be a lecture given by a famous proferssor,Mr John Smith,in the lesture hall at 7:00am next Friday.The subjest is about the development of global economy and the insdustry future of China.If you are interested,please ask LiMing for tickers.He wull be available in Class402,Teaching Building2,from 7 o’clock to 9o’clock every evening

The Student Union Dec.20tth.2010

高职英语写作范文:Telephone Message Note

Dec. 2, 2012 Dear Mr. White,

Your friend Mr. Johnson called from Thailand when you were away for business. Mr. Johnson said that he would fly to Guangzhou tomorrow. He hopes that you will go to the airport and pick him up. The plane will arrive at 14:20, and the flight number is CZ71667.


The School Painting Hobby Group is organizing all the members to go to the BaiYun Mountain to sketch this Saturday.We plan ti spend one day on the mountain,so please make sure that you take your painting equipements as well as some food and drink.We are scheduled to meet at the school gate at 8:00a.m,this Saturday,and we will then walk to the Mountain.

All the exchange students who are interested in painting are welcomed to join us. Don’t be late,please,

School Painting Hobby Group May.18th.2010


To: Managers of all the departments/ All Department Managers

From: John Green(The Sales Manager)

Date: June 2nd, 2011

Subject: Discussion on the sales plan of the 3rd quarter in 2011

This department has made the sales plan of the 3rd quarter in 2011.It is going to hold a

meeting to discuss it in the Conference Room of our corporation at 1:00 p.m. on June 5th, 2011. We hope that managers of all the departments will come to the meeting. If you cannot be present,please notify the secretary of the Sales Department in advance.Thank you


Apr. 10 Professor Li,

I want to be excused from attending your lecture today due to the bad cough. I saw the doctor yesterday and he advised a rest of three days.Hoping you can excuse my non-attendance. Enclosed is the Doctor’s Certificate of Advice.

Zhang Bin


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/228461/292513923.html


应用文写作讣告范文评析 民间讣告范文

杨尚昆同志讣告范文评析【 范 文 一 】讣告中共党员,原第七届、八届全国人大代表,国家一级演员,第五届金鸡奖获得者,享受国务院特殊津贴优秀专家,郑州市文联副主席,郑州市文化艺术研究中心名誉主任丁一同志,因病医治无效,不幸于2000年1月19

财务情况说明书写作格式及范文 公文写作格式范文


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