settle的用法:settle的用法1:settle的基本意思是“安”。可指“安放”“安置”“安家”,即使某人〔事〕处于稳定、有序、长期的位置或某个稳定、清闲的环境中; 也可指“安定”“安抚”“安静”,即长期压在心头的烦恼或起伏不定的事物得到安定; 还可指“安排”“解决”,即终止所有的怀疑、动摇和争论而使事情得到解决。根据上文可灵活译成“妥善安置”。引申可指“安排,使妥帖”“决定,解决”“使平静,使镇定”“调停,排解”“设定,安牢”“使就职”“使坐下”“使守规矩,使就范”“使坚固,使坚实”“使澄清,使沉淀”“支付,清算”“(法律)让渡,和解”“(动物学)受孕,怀胎”。
settle第三人称单数例句:1. Some movement in the building will occur as It'settles into the subsoil.
2. It'd be fun, after the situation in Europe settles down, to take a trip over to France.
3. 'It's the damp , sir , what settles on my chest and voice,'said Jerry.
“ 我这胸口和嗓子都是叫湿气害的, 先生, ”杰瑞说.
4. Primary treatment is a simple gravity process which separates and settles solids.
5. The soil settles and is compacted by the winter rain.
6. If the mosquito likes you, she settles onto your flesh very gently.
如果蚊子喜欢你, 她就轻柔地降落在你的肌肉上.
7. As the West settles, the range becomes more and more overgrazed.
随着西部渐渐有人定居, 牧地的利用越来越过分.
8. A valid legislative rule conclusively settles the matters it addresses, at least at the administrative level.
有效的立法规则结论性地解决它所论及的事宜, 至少在行政一级如此.
9. It'settles differences without any external force by appealing to our common rational nature.
10. Starting the drive settles the chassis, especially though a bumpy corner.
启动驾驭能将车稳定下来, 尤其是在颠簸的弯路上.
11. A point, fact , or remark that settles something conclusively a decisive factor.
政治路线确定之后, 干部就是决定的因素.
12. Now wiser, she settles for a few table - spoons every night.
现在,她变聪明多了, 每晚只允许自己吃上几勺.
13. One who examines and settles a case a judge or juror.
14. Good solid business will fill the vacuum after the dust settles.
15. As we putter along between the buildings , depression settles on us.
当我们闲荡在楼群中, 一种压抑感笼罩着我们.