On Changes
--Irene Dunlap
Change is the only absolute
in the world,
the only thing
that you can depend on.
Nothing stays the same.
Tomorrow will come,
bringing with it
new beginnings and sometimes
unexpected endings.
You can hold on to the past
and get left in the dust;
or, you can choose to
jump on the ride of life

and live a new adventure
with perseverance
and an open mind.
挑战自我 改变常规才能获得成长
Challenging yourself is important for your personal growth. This could mean drifting away fromyour daily routine and stepping out of your comfort zone. Thinking of it might even be achallenge already but this coaching video will be your guide.
How to challenge yourself? Challenging yourself is so important for your own personal growth.If someone wants to do the same thing everyday for the rest of their lives, life would be veryvery dull. So, challenging yourself actually mixes things up a little bit and actually enables youto discover a little bit more about yourself and personally grow.
So to challenge yourself, what would you think is the best way to do so? I would say it's to dosomething different. So, set yourself some goals that are slightly different than what yournormal routine would actually consist of. So, if you're used to reading a particular type ofbook, why not read a different type? So if you're used to reading novels, why not readnewspapers? It may sound quite bizarre and quite minimal but that could be a really small goalthat you could set yourself to actually challenge yourself.
If you're a dancer for instance and you've been doing the same dance for the past 5 years, whynot take up a different activity or a different sport? Challenging yourself is not about sort ofmaking things difficult but it's actually to move you out of your comfort zone to do somethingcompletely different which enables you to grow. If you're doing the same thing day in and dayout, where would the challenge be? Where would the change be? Where would your change ofbehaviour and patterns be? So to challenge yourself, it's really important in this day and age.So, to challenge yourself is to take yourself out of the box and do something different.
As human beings, we need to grow as individuals and change our behaviours every now andthen. So, change your routine and do something different today. .
It's a new week. However, is your life repeating itself? Are you doing the same things that youdid last week?
Performing the same actions and giving the minimum to get by. After all, you have done all thisbefore. Same Actions, Same Results.
If you are just going through the motions, you are wasting your time. Same actions. Differentday. Repeat. Repeat. Same low effort. Same low results.
You could probably do it in your sleep. (Many people in the workplace appear to do this.) If youdo the same things every day, then your life is going to be boring by definition.
After all, you do the same things. Eat the same foods. Go to the same places. Talk to the samepeople. And you wonder why your life is boring? Average, even.
If you don't want the same repetitive routine, then it's on you to change things up. After all,doing the same things each day and expecting different results is… well, just stupid. (Sorry, butit is.) Here are 7 Ways to “Not Go Through the Motions Today…”
1. Change It Up — Sometimes even small changes to your routine can produce big results.Get up 30 minutes early. Stay 30 minutes late. Do things out-of-order for once.
1. 有所改变 —— 有时候,哪怕最小的改变都能带来不错的结果。比如,早30分钟起床、晚30分钟回家、打破常规做事情。
2. Always Give It Your All — Going through the motions produces average results because youaren't doing your best work. Never compromise yourself. Always do things right the first timeand with class.
2. 全力以赴 —— 敷衍塞责只能造成平庸,因为你并没有尽最大努力。永远别跟自己妥协。永远在第一时间最出色地完成任务。
3. Do Something New — If you want different results, you have to do different things. Today,do something new. Something you wouldn't have normally done. When presented with twochoices, choose the one that is new to you.
3. 尝试新事物 —— 若想得到不同结果,你就得尝试不同事物。今天就开始尝试点新花样吧。做点你平时不会去做的事情。倘若你有两种选择,何不选择新奇的那个呢?
4. Stretch Your Limits — Going through the motions means that you aren't pushing yourself.You are stronger than you even know, but until you test yourself, you will not know your truecapabilities.
4. 挑战极限 —— “做一天和尚撞一天钟”说明你对自己不够严格。你远比自己想象的坚强,但只有当你经历了挑战,你才会知道自己的真正实力。
5. Talk to Someone… Else - If you always talk to the same people, you are always going to havethe same conversations. Who is the person that you always see at work, but never talk to?Engage them today. They might just be someone who you want to know, either personally orprofessionally.
5. 找其他人聊天 —— 总是和同样的人谈话,那谈话的内容也总是差不多吧。你工作时常常碰见却很少交谈的人是谁?今天就试着跟他们聊聊吧。或许他们正是你私下里或工作上想要了解的人呢。
6. Learn Something — If you don't want to always be doing the same things, you have to learnnew skills. Learn something new every single day.
6. 日有所获 —— 不想重复同样的事情?那你可得学点新技能了。每天试着学点新东西吧。
7. Choose Your Own Path — We often forget that we have a choice in our path. Rather thanjust repeating the course where everyone else has gone before us, blaze your own path.
7. 走自己的路 —— 我们总是忘了自己有权选择自己的道路。我们不必重蹈他人的覆辙。所以,请闯出你自己的道路吧。
Ensure that you aren't just going through the motions today. We all have limited time in ourdays and lives. Don't settle for the same old same old. Choose to do something new, andalways give it your best.