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Newspapers have become an enormous influence onpeople’s ideas and opinions. Why is this the case? Isit a desirable or undesirable situation?


The nickname of the “Uncrowned King” given to themodern journalist is by no means an exaggeration.In almost every modern society, newspapers havebeen playing an essential role in shaping people’sthoughts on a wide range of issues and are alwaysregarded as an indispensable source ofinformation. In my opinion, this complexphenomenon can be boiled down to several keyfactors, and both its positive and negative aspects need to be analyzed thoroughly.

To begin with, human curiosity is an underlying factor in the growing popularity ofnewspapers. As the only species on the planet equipped with extraordinary intelligence,humans are inveterately curious about the latest events around the globe. Therefore, all kindsof newspapers prosper in such an age that is gushing with information, appealing to people’sincreasingly strong desire to know more about this constantly changing world. It is littlewonder that numerous readers are lured into heavier reliance on those well-established andinternationally renowned newspapers.

To a large extent, this situation is a desirable one with its many positive aspects. First of all, inorder to maintain their good reputation, most newspapers and magazines report actual eventsin a detailed way, providing not only factual information but also deep insights into complexsocial and political issues. In addition, circulated on a daily basis and across an extensivedemographic region, major newspapers have smoothly operated branches, seasonedcorrespondents and a highly efficient system to collect local news with the swiftest actions.Most importantly, their coverage and insightful comments can encourage young readers toform their own opinions on current affairs.

On the other hand, people should be fully aware of the downside of the journalistic dominance.More often than not, newspapers of national importance are largely controlled by thegovernment and act as the organ of the authorities. By furnishing citizens with prejudiced andself-opinionated reports on sensitive issues, such as foreign affairs and national security,these newspapers can manipulate their perspectives and attitudes and exercise a sort ofmonopoly on their way of thinking. On a less serious level, flooding the pages with trivialpieces of entertainment news and celebrity secrets is the usual way to divert the public’sattention away from government scandals and to eclipse such social and economic ills asunemployment, crime and judicial incompetence.

In conclusion, although the positive functions of modern journalism are to be sufficientlyrecognized, people must not slacken their vigilance against the possible abuse of such atremendous power that newspapers possess. In other words, while absorbing bits ofinformation in the newspapers, readers are advised to adopt an objective approach and casta discriminating eye on their way of presentation, comments and implicit assumptions.


University students always focus on one specialistsubject, but some people think universities shouldencourage their students to study a range ofsubjects in addition to their own subject. To whatextent do you agree or disagree with thisstatement?

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Before elaborating my perspective about whetheruniversities should teach students to be vertically orhorizontally developed, I feel necessary to categorizehigher education into two spans: the one forAssociate or Bachelor Degree, and the one forMaster as well as Ph.D.

As to the first one, the institutions of highereducation, I consider, are more suggested to structure a teaching package covering a widerange of curricula. It is quite common that the generality of students in this stage are notsure about the professions they are genuinely curious about or talented in. Therefore, morechoices of disciplines should be given to them for comparison and selection.

However, as for the second, by mentioning which I mean the postgraduate period, traineesought to be guided to study limited areas. On one hand, a trainee in this stage has beenacademically mature and he, taking a mathematical expert for example, would know whichsubject is his life-long pursuance, topology or discreet. Thus, it would be a waste of their timeand energy if teaching staff still attempt to make them weird versatile creatures arbitrarily. Onthe other hand, students in this phase are able to have their understanding about certainprofessions promptly deepened in that their interest has been fixed precisely, on theprecondition that they are provided with definitely-chosen courses.

In conclusion, intensive and extensive ways of teaching do not stand against. Therefore, theymust be carefully selected for the students in different spans for the purposes of firstly makingtrainees the men of common sense and then the men learnt afterward.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/229161/554244636.html


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