S: Hi, Elena, what have you been up to?
E: It's you, Stephen. Oh, you know, so far, so good. How about your travel?
S: Not bad. I heard that Bonnie is going to study at Yale University next semester.
E: That’s what I’m gonna tell you. She got the admission last week and is still filled with joy now. It’s been her long-time dream to study at Yale. Now the dream has come true and it’s really exciting, you think so?
E:我正要告诉你这件事。她上固收到录取通知,现在还沉浸在喜悦之中。到耶鲁求 学是她很久以来的梦想,现在梦想成真,的确令人高兴。你觉得呢?
S: Can't agree more. She really deserves it.
E: Yeah, she is so excellent and outstanding that she made it without a hitch. I am so proud of her.
S: Yeah, I also feel glad for her in my bones. By the way, did she mention which major she chose?
E: The Law I think. Because she wants to be a lawyer one day.
S: Sounds amazing. Actually I just read an article about this famous university. It is so fascinating and the Yale spirit has impressed me a lot.
S:真是了不起。实际上,我刚读了一篇关于这所名校的文章。真是吸引人啊,尤其 是耶鲁精神,真是极大地鼓舞了我。
E: Speaking of the Yale spirit, I have something to say. Over the past three centuries, the Yalies have kept their self-governed spirit for long and they never give in to any political pressure or material attraction. The Yale spirit has inspired its people to pursue the pure academic progress and also spread far and wide around U.S.
E:谈到耶鲁精神,我还真有的说。300多年来,耶鲁人一直保持着他们的独立精神,从不向政治压力或物质诱惑屈服。耶鲁精神激励着耶鲁人追求纯粹的学术进步, 并且在美国被广为流传。
S: Maybe this can shed light on2 its unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit.
E: Well, you know, Yale’s idea of “faculty governance” has not only played a great role in its self-development but also set a good example for other universities in America.
E:的确。要知道,耶鲁的“教授治校"这一理念不但对其自身发展起了重要作用, 而且为美国其他高校树立了榜样。
S: By “faculty governance”,you mean it’s ruled by professors?
S: “敘授治校”,你指教授治理大学?
E: Exactly. It goes that At Princeton, the trustee is in power, at Harvard, the principal manage, and at Yale, professors take responsibility.
S: Interesting. Then professors at Yale must be very influential.
E: You’re right. Just because of this tradition, professors there are all carefully selected and they are broad and profound. So they value much to lift themselves, which, in turn, make them more respectable and independent.
S: I see. Then students there must be very lucky to have an early chance to contact with so many brilliant talents.
E: Right. Since professors are so powerful and important, they are very strict with their students. Anyway, as you said, students there are really lucky, 4cause not everyone can be schooled by a galaxy of outstanding figures in an early age.
S: Then I know why students there are relatively well-cultivated. Environment is important.
E:对。教授们都位高权重,对学生也极其严格。不管怎样,就像你说的,学生们还 是很幸运的,不是每个人都能在年轻的时候就得到众多优秀教授的指导。
E: Yes. One point is that this kind of rule can encourage academic progress and contribute a lot to good atmosphere for pursuit of knowledge.
S: I see why Bonnie longs for that university so much. It's worth it.
E:没错,重点在于,这种管理方式可以鼓励学术进步,有利于形成良好的学习氛围。 S:难怪波尼这么渴望去那所学校,真是值得一试啊。
E: Definitely, it’s a place in dream. Those professors are all elites in their respective field and it seems they are on top the things concerning curricular decisions for example. And they often make plans out of the concern1) of their students. It for certain offers a perfect place for one to improve himself.
E:那是,这是众人梦想的地方。教授们在各自的领域内都各有建树,对诸如课程规 划之类的事了如栺掌,并且常常从学生的角度出发,制定教学计划。这无疑提供 了一个完善自我的好地方。
S: It seems that this idea of “faculty governance” is so important to Yale.
E: I think so. Professors there enjoy high reputation and they play a very important role in3 university decision-making. Yale adopted the concept of faculty governance and made it characteristic of democratic governance. It’s a big leap.
S: I can’t wait to get there with Bonnie.
E: Then you gotta make an early start before it’s too late.
S: Oh, stop kidding me. Studying is a burden for me, but I wanna know more from you.
E: With pleasure. Actually, to make things get on well, the work is divided in black and white among different departments.
S: I’m willing to hear it.
E: To give you a clear idea about it, we need to know that faculty is mainly responsible for decisions on appointments and tenure, curriculum and general faculty governance; while administrators are expected much on decisions about the use of financial resources and broader issues of university governance.
E:要想有个清楚的了解,首先要知道,教授主要负责人事录用、课程制定和人事管 理,而校长主要负责资金运转方面的决策及有关大学管理等比较宽泛的同题。
S: How about the board of trustees?
E: Well, they keep a watch-dog eye on all decisions and are expected to be the most direct influence over major decisions as well as decisions involving large amounts of financial capital.
S: I see, you know so many things.
E: Don’t flatter me, you know, book is our best friend. We know many things from it.
S: That’s why we are so different. I rarely read books, if any, are those the funny things about the big names. Oh, Yeah, I just read a story about G.W.Bush from Internet. Want to hear?
S:看出差距来了,我就不爱读书,要说我读过什么的话,就是些名人轶事了。对了, 我刚在网上看过一篇关于G.W?布什的文章,想听吗?
E: Why not?
S: It says that in 2001, on Yale’s graduate day, when the principal declared to grant Bush the honorary Doctor Degree1 for law, students there began to laugh and hiss to show their dissatisfaction in public,and more than 200 professors refused to attend the graduate ceremony. In their eyes, Bush didn’t live up to that degree.
S:在2001年的耶鲁毕业日那天,当校长宣布授予布什耶鲁大学荣誉法律博士学位时,学生们报以笑声、嘘声公然表示他们的不满。另外,有200多名教授拒绝出席毕 业典礼。在他们看来,布什并设有资格获得这一学位。
E: Sounds like Yale’s style.
S: It is. Bush was also aware of that, and he poked a little joke at himself while giving the commencement speech at his alma mater. He said Yale is a worth, so even a C student can become president of the U.S..
S:的确。布什也很清楚这一点,在母校毕业典礼上致辞时,他也有意自嘲。他说, 耶鲁的学位还是很有价值的,即使得C的学生也有可能成为美国总统。
E: I can see that. By the way, do you have any plans this afternoon?
S: Not yet, any good suggestions?
E: There is a new film on show, would like to go with me?
S: Good idea! Let’s go!
C: Hi, Sheldon, Something good? Tell me, you have it on your face.
S: Oh, really? I can keep nothing from you. Professor Larry from lecture next week at Yale and I am very lucky to have a chance to dinner. You know, he is famous as a proponent of reduced legal restrictions on copyright and trademark which I am greatly for. I admire him very much and look forward to the week coming up.
S:哦,是吗?真是什么事都瞒不过你。斯坦福大学的拉里教授下固要来耶鲁作演讲, 我很幸运能有机会参加为他举办的接待晚宴。你知道,他积极倡导放宽对版杈和 商标的法律限制,对此我十分赞成。我特别敬仰他,真希望下固快点到来。
C: Yeah, It is a great treat for you to do this. How could you make it?
S: I got it because of my good luck. Actually each student at Yale has such chance but not everyone is as lucky as I am. Only 12 students are required so we resorted to the lottery to decide who can get the chance.
S:因为我运气好啊。实际上,耶鲁的每位同学都有机会,可不是每个人都像我这么 幸运啊。因为只需要12名同学,所以我们就用抽签的方式来决定让谁去。
C: So it is fair to everyone and no one will complain about the result when they lose the chance. I think it is a very good idea.
C:这样的话对每个人都很公平,即使失去这个机会也不会有人对结果不满了。这个 主意不锚啊。
S: I like it too. When you are at Yale, you will find lottery are the most common way to deal with the daily life.
C: Then it makes no difference between students and each one is treated at the same level. As a result, the discrimination can not find the way any more.
C:抽签使同学间设有差别,每个人都得到公平的对待。如此一来,歧视的思想也就 站不住脚了。
S: Exactly. To some extent, the lottery lives up to the Yale spirit. That is to pursue freedom and independence which Yale advocates so much. They are also regarded as the soul of the Yale spirit, from which we can see Yale pays much attention to individual’s right.
S:的确。某种程度上讲,抽签的方法符含耶鲁极力推崇的自由、独立的精神。抽签 还被认为是这一精神的灵魂,可见耶鲁多么重视个人权利啊。
C: Good point. So every student feels free to do what they like without any discrimination.
S: Yeah. In the shadow of Yale spirit, lottery becomes a popular way to do things like that. For example, we hold a draw to arrange students,dormitory in order to see that the arrangement is fair to everyone since there are dormitories of different levels and everyone is eager for⑦ a comfortable and agreeable room.
S:没错。在耶鲁精神的影响下,抽签成为一种深受欢迎的方法。比方说,在分配学 生宿舍的问题上,每个人都想要个舒服满意的房间,而房间却良莠不齐。所以, 我们就釆用抽签的方式做到公平含理。
C: So everyone has equal opportunity. It creates good environment to develop democratic spirits.
S: Right. Speaking of this, Yale attaches great importance to a free academic environment, which, in turn, contributes a lot to a high-qualified education. At Yale, all the professors, whether young or senior, Nobel winners or Pulitzer winners, have the obligation to give lectures to undergraduates.
S:对。说到这个,耶鲁十分重视自由民主的学术氛围,这反过来有利于教学质量的 提高。在耶鲁,不管是年轻教授还是资深教授,是诺贝尔奖获得者还是普利策奖 获得者,都有义务为本科生上课。
C: I like the democratic atmosphere there.

S: Yeah. There is another organism of management that shares a lot in common with lottery. Every graduate at Law school has a study of his own. It is arranged in the order of one’s family name. One whose family name is in front of the Alphabet can only get a small one. Everyone is equal here.
S:还有一种管理机制和抽签很像:法学院的每位研究生都有自己的小书房。这是按 照各自姓氏的首字母在字母表中的顺序来分的,排在前面的同学分到的房间就比 较小。每个人都很公平。
C: There is a careful consideration behind a simple way.
S: You’re right. The democratic spirit is reflected in all aspects at Yale. Do you know how we elect members for the Student Council?
C: It must be the lottery, I guess.
S: You got it. At Yale, the Student Council presides over checkups of the recruiting policy as well as affairs in admitting procedures. It will be a great honor to become one of them. However, the way of competition fails to work because at Yale, it is the lottery that has the conn.
S:对了。学生委员会负责审查研究生招生政策和录取程序方面的事务;如果能够成 为其中一员,将是件很光荣的事。然而,竞争的办法不灵了,抽签说了算。
C: It seems that under such case there is no possibility for personal influence.
S: Yeah. The lottery excludes the personal influence on some decisions, so everyone is equal in that case.
C: It sounds marvelous!
S: Now you know why I said it was good luck that brought me the chance to receive professor Larry next week. When the news first came to us, most of my fellow students were keen on this job but only those lucky dogs 6) could get it. It is up to the lottery here. I am very lucky, uh?
S:现在,你知道我为什么说是好运带绾我这个机会了吧。消息传出之后,好多人都 希望得到这个机会,但只有那些抽到签的幸运儿才能去。我很幸运吧?
C: Yes, you’re a lucky dog. It sounds that the good luck is so important at Yale.
S: Sometimes. Lottery plays an important role in making decisions. For one thing, it assures that each student enjoys equal chances. For another, it reflects the Yale spirit which permeates through all aspects of Yale and develops a free and democratic atmosphere.
S:有时候是的。抽签在做一些决定的时候还是起着很大作用的。一方面,它确保每 位同学享有平等的机会。另一方面,它也反映了渗透于耶鲁各个方面的耶鲁精神, 养成一种自由而民主的氛围。
C: Lottery is one of the most convincing way and people embrace the result with pleasure.
S: I am for it.
D: Hey, Stella, what is wrong? You look blue.
S: Oh, it’s you, David. It’s the law theory, and it is such a bore.
D: Take it easy, girl. But why do you study so hard?
S: I have applied to Yale Law School for the scholarship.
D: It’ll be a big challenge, especially the Law School.
S: Yeah, I know it’ll be tough, but I want to give it a shot anyway.
D: I think you can make it. As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way.
S: Indeed. I hope my dream can come true.
D: Why do you choose Yale? I mean, there are also other great universities.
S: Well, it’s the motto of Yale “light and truth” that gives me the enlightenment.
D: That reminds me of a book, Storming the Court. It records professors and students in Law School fighting for the rights of Haitians. Some Haitians came to America to seek refuge from the domestic military coup.
D:这让我想起了《法庭风暴》这本书,它记录了耶鲁法学院的师生为海地难民争取 权利的事实。曾有一些海地难民来美国寻求躲避军事政变的迫害。
S: I’ve got some knowledge of that story. It also reflects the motto. The Law School did their best to help the Haitians get out of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. They sued American government for a few years. It is hard to believe what they had done for people they didn’t know.
S:对那段历史我也有所了解。这正是耶鲁校训的真实写照。法学院师生竭力帮肋海 地难民离开关塔纳摩军事基地,并且持续数年向美国政府上诉。真难以想像他们 为未曾谋面的人所做的一切。
D: Yeah. Despite their failure, they really wrote a heroic chapter in legal history.
D:对啊’尽管败诉了 .但他们却在法律史上谱写了光辉的篇章。
S: But the Haitians did get their freedom. It is really inspiring. Justice won.
D: Then you would like to be a lawyer defending human rights no matter what it takes?
S: Of course. I think that is the essence of being a lawyer. My idol is Harold Hongju Koh who was the leading expert of Yale Law School.
S:当然。捍卫人权是律师职业的精髓。哈罗德?高洪柱是我的偶像,他是耶鲁法学 院的领头人。
D: Good point. I think Harold is a vivid model of Yale Spirit. He played a great role in the debate against U.S. government in 1990s.
D:说得好。在我看来,哈罗德是耶鲁精神的鲜活代表。20世纪90年代,在与美国 政府的争辩中,他发挥了重要作用。
S: You are right. We can put it this way: without him, there would be no freedom of Haitians.
D: Yeah. Led by Harold Koh, those remarkable students waged a legal war against two U.S. presidents to defend the Constitution and the principles symbolized by the Statue of Liberty. With the refugees' lives at stake气 the students threw aside classes and career plans to fight an army of government attorneys.
D:是啊,在哈罗德?高的领导下,优秀的耶鲁学子们向两位总统发起了法律之战.捍 卫宪法以及自由女神像的本义。海地难民生命危急,耶鲁学子放下课程与学业, 同代表政府的律师们进行争辩。
S: Wow, you must have studied the book carefully.
D: I read the book just out of interest.
S: But interest is the best teacher. I think you have the talent for law study and great potential as a lawyer.
D: Come on. Stop kidding me.
S: Actually, I’m serious. Haven’t you ever considered being a lawyer or something?
D: Um, to be a reporter is my ambition.
S: You can do reports related to law. In my eyes, this sort of work is very adventurous. I mean, you can go to the scene of the crime.
S:你可以做与法律相关的报道。在我看来,这种工作很刺激,我是说,你可以去犯 罪现场呢。
D: Yeah, your words aroused my interest to be a law reporter.
S: It is one option. You know, it is not easy to find a job, especially the law major.
D: This profession is really a good combination of legal and news fields.
S: And it is challenging, too.
D: I have been prepared to bear hardships. I know it is tough to do a great career.
S: At the words, I am so excited. I’m bent on going to Yale, whatever the difficulties.
D: Ok, then what we should do is to strive for our goals.
S: It’s 12 o'clock. Let’s go to the bar, and chat over a cup of coffee.