绕口令的英语说法:tongue twister
绕口令的相关短语:绕口令儿 A tongue twister
英文绕口令 Tongue twister ; english tongue twister
朗读绕口令 A bitter biting bittern ; A lusty lady ; A flea and a fly ; A big black bug
英语绕口令 Tongue Twister ; English tongue twister
绕口令故事 tongue twister tale
使用绕口令 Use tongue twisters
绕口令的英语例句:1. Can you can a can as a cannery cans can?
这句绕口令的意思是:你能向罐头厂那样装罐头吗 ?
2. The analysis proceeds through the articulating force and fluency in mandarin.

3. Tongue twisters always frustrate me because I cannot say them correctly.
4. Read the rhyme quickly say out what you have learned from it.
5. Do tongue twisters twist your tongue?
绕口令有没有让你的舌头打结 呀 ?
6. Rubber baby buggy bumper'is a tongue twister.
7. This is not what tongue twister, however brand and the rational acknowledge that the product concerns.
这不是什么绕口令, 而是品牌与产品关系的理性认知.
8. If we need to practise our pronunciation, Why don " t we say some English twisters? "
假如我们想练习发音, 为什么不说一些英语绕口令 呢 ?
9. If you're a learner of English you will improve your own pronunciation with practice.
10. The moment Master Chou finished his incredible tongue twister, audiences just went buzzing.
11. Ulla Ruckpaul, a clerk from a local company, was one contestant at Friday's language game.
参加比赛的乌拉·鲁克是汉堡当地一家公司的职员,从未学过汉语, 但她对汉语绕口令很感兴趣.