A: Good morning.
B: Good morning, Mr. Wang. Please take a seat.
A: Thank you.
B: Now let me take a look at your application form. The application online is not very detailed. Well, Mr. Wang, can you tell me why you are interested in working in our company?
B:让我先看看你的申请表,在网上的申请 表不太详细。对了,王先生,能否告诉我 你为何对本公司感兴趣?
A: Well. First of all, the position you offered is quite challenging; and besides, your company enjoys a high reputation in the IT industry; and I also believe I can fully use what I have learnt here.
A:好的。首先贵公司所提供的岗位具有相 当的挑战性;其次,贵公司在IT行业享 有较高的声誉;还有,我认为在此我可以 发挥自己的所长。
B: Mr. Wang, what are the qualifications you think you possess for the present job?
B:王先生,你认为自己具备申请该岗位的 何种资格?
A: As you know, I graduated from Xi’an University and majored in data communication, and have had six years working experience in the relevant field.
A:我毕业于西安大学,主修数据通信并且 在相关领域有了 6年的工作经验。
B: What are the courses offered by your university in data communication?
B:贵校数据通信专业主要开设什么课程 呢?
A: Well, like communication system, communication network, mobile communication and digital communication.
B: Have you any experience with network management?
A: Yes, I gained some experience when I was in charge of the computer division of the China Construction Bank.
A:是的,我曾在中国建设银行计算机处担 任过主管,获得了一些经验。
B: Are you familiar with MODEM?
A: Yes, I am.
B: How about TCP/IP?
B:那么你是否了解TCP/ IP呢?
A: I should say yes. I have read a lot a-bout RFC documents.
B: Have you any experience with UNIX operating system?

A: Yes, I am very familiar with the Windows 7 system.
A:有,我比较熟悉Windows 7系统。
B: Can you name some sorts of modem communication systems?
A: Yes, they are CSM, PSIN, ISDN and so on.
A:可以,有通用移动通信网、公用电话交换 网、综合业务数字网等。
B: Well, I am quite satisfied with your performance. I’ll telephone you as soon as we make a decision.
B:我对你的表现很满意。等我们做出决定 后,会立刻通知你。
A: Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity. Goodbye.
B: Goodbye.
A: Welcome to my office.
B: According to your advertisement, you want an experienced software engineer. I think my background meets the requirements of this position.
B:广告上说你们想招聘一位有经验的软件 工程师,我觉得我的条件还合适。
A: Can you tell me why?
B: I majored in Computer Engineering when I was at university. Actually I was quite familiar with Fortran and C Language.
B:我在大学时学的是计算机专业。实际上 我很熟悉Fortran和C语言。
A: What do you think about the recent development in computers?
A:你怎样看待计算机行业在近年内的发 展?
B: Developments in hardware are going a-head very quickly. But to turn the computer into a machine that can be easily manipulated, much more complex softwares are needed than are available now. As a result, more computer programmers should devote themselves to this work.
B:计算机硬件的发展十分迅猛。但是要使 计算机更加容易操作,需要更多更复杂 的软件,也就需要更多的程序员。
A: I've looked through your application material and I am quite satisfied with your qualification. Have you got anything to ask me?