最美the most beautiful
最美中国 The most beautiful China ; Beautiful China
简单最美 Simply the most beautiful ;
最美妈妈 The most beautiful mother
最美发型 the sweet hair-after
最美生活 Best Life
The English countryside looks its best in May and June. 如果他今天也能来到这里,噢,那将会是他人生中最美好的日子之一。
If he were here today, well, it would be one of the best days of his life. 感觉这就是我们应该从我们的母亲—和我们的父亲那儿学到的最美好的东西。
I t felt like the best of what we’re supposed to learn from our mothers- -and our dads. 她又写道,“这是我有生以来最美好的一个月。
Then she writes, "This is the best month of my life. 我希望这个春天,是你的,或者想要是你体验过的最美好的春天。
I hope that this spring is or is going to be the best spring you have ever had. 在春天这最美的季节,我们到处都能看到鲜花在开放。但是有谁知道,一只魔爪正伸向快乐的人们。
In this spring, the best season, we can see beautiful flowers everywhere, but nobody knows adiabolic claw is stretching to the pleasant people. 人们从世界各地来到怀俄明州的杰克逊山洞,欣赏这里最美的牛仔和山区文化。
People come to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, from around the world to enjoy the best of cowboyand mountain culture. 我给了她最美好的祝愿,她便启程了。
I wished her all the best and there she went. 如果他们取得成功,那么在城市中成功的角落里将发现他们的身影。如果他们感到挫折,那么即使是最美的建筑和公园也无法让他们释怀。
If they become successful, they can be found in the successful parts of the city, if they aredepressed, not even the most beautiful building or park can take away that feeling. 这是他一生中最美好的一个夏天。
That was one of the best summers of his life. 拼图显示你怎样感受,或反映出你和你失去心爱人物曾经一起走过的最美时光。
Collage images that show how you feel or the best times you had with the one you lost. 我想让自己成为你这辈子遇到的最美好的事物,并且想要你知道。
I want to be the best thing that ever happened to you—and for you to recognize this.
1. Isn't he just the most beautiful thing you ever saw?
2. one of the world's most beautiful cities
3. Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth.
4. The English countryside looks its best in May and June.

5. Nature is at its best in spring.
6. Being alone is her idea of paradise.
7. The handsomest flower is not the sweetest.
8. Her eyes are her best feature.
9. Oxford, as Evelyn Waugh astutely observed, is a city best seen in early summer.
10. The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba's finest beauty spots.
11. If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.
12. Litchi is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world.
13. The thirteenth-century cloisters are amongst the most beautiful in central Italy.
14. The English countryside looks at its best in spring.
15. It was, she decided, the prettiest sight she had ever seen.