怎样保持健康英语作文 保持健康英语对话



A:Nowadays,due to the fast- paced life, more and more people living in very poor health. Do you have some good views on health?

B: On my personal level, the health not only point to physical health, but also the mental health. However, it is the fact that people always ignore the latter.

A: Truly, there is a reported that, in daily life, we are more concerned about Physical health than mental health. What do you think of physical health and mental health?

B: What is your real mean?

A: I mean that which one do you think is more important?

B: Umm... In my opinion, being physically fit doesn't mean you are totally healthy. It is also important to improve the mental health. In other words, both them are vital to human beings. You see, in order to prevent disease, Physical exercise is a necessary part of daily life. But, as the psychological changes will be lead to physiological changes.

A: Yes, you are right. If we are always in tension and negative

or bad state of mind among the organs and tissues could be make the body caught in unusual activity, which last a long time, resulting in psychological and physiological disorders, or physical and mental illness.

B: So, searching joys is an effective way to improve our health. A: I can’t agree more with you, it’s foolish to deny the positive effect of laughter to physical and mental health. But the main problem for us is that how to search the joys?

B: Um…as for this topic, to be honest, I never deep thought. How about let’s reference the suggestions on the Internet?

A: Ok, come on.


A: Do you know what are the factors contributing to good health?


B: Yes, of course, they are physical exercise balanced diet and living habits 是的,当然,他们锻炼身体,均衡的饮食和生活习惯

A: Today, people care more about today’s health problem. They don’t have more choice in food


B: Why don you think so?


A: Today, most foods are over processed, some are genetically modified food, and too much pesticide is used in agriculture too


B: People are very busy when they work, so they don’t have much time to ask, so they eat the fast food, because of the in regular dinner time, it will be very bad to their healthy


A: Yes, most of them sit at in front of computers all day long, and the pressure, heart disease and so on


B: I think if we won’t to have a good health, we should eat more vegetables, fruits, and grains, don’t eat too much sugar and other over pressed food


A: It not enough, we also need to do more outdoor activities such as running swimming and so on


B: We also need to enough sleep. And don’t smoking .I’m sure we have a good health 我们也需要足够的睡眠。不要吸烟。我相信我们拥有健康的身体


A: what’s the matter? Your arm is bleeding.

B: This morning I slipped and fell downstairs.

A: Oh,That’s too bad! You should go to see a doctor and treatment of wounds.

B: I know.But I have a lot of work to do!

A: But you should go to the company to leave!Your wounds look very serious

B: what about my job?I can't treat at the same time and at the same time to finish the work.

A: Never mind,dear. I can help you complete your work.

B: Thank you very much.It's awfully decent of you.

A: This is not what, The most important to your health.

B:I see, thank you very much for your help




Good morning,oh you look not good.

周:我好累。我在节食。节日期间,我几乎每天都吃好吃的,所以我的体重增加了很多,我的身体看起来很胖。我意识到我必须减肥。然后我做了一个计划,我必须吃早餐和晚餐比以前少。在吃早餐的时候,我喝牛奶,吃一块面包和一个鸡蛋。晚餐不吃。 I am tired. I am On Dieting. During the Festival, I ate delicious meal almost every day, so that my weights go up a lot and my body looked fatter. I realized that I must lose weight. And then I made a plan. I must eat less for breakfast and supper than before. At breakfast, I drink milk and have a piece of bread and an egg. Eat no thing for dinner.


Come on ,you are not fat!


Nowadays more and more people are beginning to go on a diet. Some people are concerned with their health, and they go on a diet in order to lose unwanted weight.


But still others, especially the young women, are paying attention to their outward appearance. They on a diet. I am not alone.


Wake up girl, dieting might bring great negative effects to you. For one thing, quite a lot of people don’t really need dieting to keep health, and they diet just because they want to keep slim. For them, dieting not only is useless but also might damage their health.


I cannot agree with you more .For another, some people lack enough knowledge on how to diet scientifically. As a result, they are likely to suffer from malnutrition(营养不良;),just look your face.


Well, considering the serious damage of unhealthy dieting, you should be cautious in dieting. In my opinion, dieting, whatever, needs professional guidance. Only with right guidance can dieting work as we expect.


Thank you. To be honest, I even look for miracle pills and magic cures to be slim. In the end, I failed and the pounds come back. There is no use to on diet and eat pills. What should I do? 章:事实上,有效的减肥方法非常简单。主要就是结合均衡的饮食,以及适当的运动。成功的关键就是要有决心。成功需要自制和投入。

the effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. It is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise. What makes it work is determination. It requires discipline and commitment to succeed.


My aunt had been trying to lose weight. She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. She lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. Finally, she followed doctor's advice and began to eat a balanced diet. She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. Also she joined an exercise class. She worked out three times a week. At first, the weight came off so slowly. But stick and eventually reached goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. That was because she had developed healthy new habits. 三人:wow!


what’s a encouragement story!I am sorry that I am so shallow to on diet and eat pills .I should pay more attention to our physical balance when we choose the way to lose our weight. 张:在我看来,做运动是减肥的最佳方法。一方面,通过运动我们可以锻炼身体变得更健康。另一方面,如果我们经常锻炼,我们的思维就会更清晰。

In my opinion, doing exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can train our bodies by taking exercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mind will be clearer if we do exercise often.


I’ll take it! I decide to keep doing exercises every day. Go to running after school or play basketball. At weekend, I go to swim.

三人:Are You sure?!

怎样保持健康英语作文 保持健康英语对话

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