7月的英文是什么:Jul.; July7月的英文是什么例句:1. The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7,1937.
2. On July 7, Mr. Eustace and Mr. Schiller spoke over the phone.
7月7日, 尤斯塔斯先生曾与席勒先生通话.
3. The Lugouqiao incident took place on July 7 th, 1937.
4. The peloton covers stage four July 7 in Reims, France.
包括四个阶段的珀莱东7月在兰斯, 法国7.
5. If you wereborn near July 7 , this could be a watershed moment.
如果你生于7月7日前后, 这将是个关键时刻.

6. Payment is expected within 7 - 11 Business days after auction closing.
7. On July 7 th three partners in another mortgage broker were also fined.
8. Students must arrive by 6 pm, Sunday, July 7.
学生必须于7月7日, 星期日, 约下午六点到.
9. Give a plus or minus one week to the of July 7.
10. We received your favor of July 7 a consignment of Japanese goods.
11. The seven winners will be announced July 7 in Lisbon, Portugal.
12. And that day was 7 th July, just in time in the camping.
那天正好是7月7日的晚上.虽然中国用的是农历, 不过也算巧了.
13. At Silverstone , 7 th July 2002, the race was dominated by two Ferraris.
2002年7月7日,英国银石赛道, 比赛被两台法拉利所垄断.
14. July 7, 2001 - People's Daily.
2001年7月7日 —— 人民日报.
15. I think we are waiting for another rise, I think, about 6,7 months.
我认为我们在等待另一次上涨, 我认为, 大概在6、7月间.