英语专业自我评价 英语专业英文自我评价



I thought a good performance in school, respect teachers, unite students, strictly abide by the school rules and regulations. During the school he has been a member of the organization to promote its mission and life members, and therefore have a certain organizational skills, management ability. Fortunately, there has only served as class position, which also has a strong endurance, willpower and quality of hard-working, serious and responsible, proactive, optimistic personality perseverance, courage to face the difficulties and challenges. My philosophy is: in the young season, I am willing to endure hardship involved, willing himself wealthy by laser - love, proactive efforts to realize their own value and make the greatest contribution at work: As a beginner, I have an excellent ability to learn and willing to learn, innovation, constantly striving for excellence; as a participant, I have an honest character, full of team spirit; as a leader, I have a brisk and decisive style, good communication and interpersonal skills.

So far, I have mastered the basics of the basic knowledge and relevant networks. In this profession, through the Foreign Trade Correspondence, international trade, international trade practice operation, English speaking, listening and other related courses to learn the system, with the basic theoretical knowledge. In addition, the computer is interested in computer I have a certain understanding of photoshop, coreldraw, excell, word and other software applications proficiency. But also Japanese and Cantonese daily communication.

This is me, a positive initiative, ability to work independently and have good communication skills and self-motivated, and healthy, cheerful girls.

英语专业自我评价 英语专业英文自我评价

Busy and interesting college life, let me mature a lot but also gain a lot, and now I become strong and courageous. In college, I gradually became mature, I trained in the school of morality, to develop my unique set of learning, I am strict with themselves, so I have a leap of progress in many areas.

In school I abide by the rules and regulations of the school, have good moral quality, outstanding in all aspects. Labor of love, and actively participate in various sports activities carried out by the school, participate in social practice, have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. Correct thinking, hard working, the importance of personal moral cultivation, develop good lifestyle and helpful.

In learning I know that learning is my duty, if you do not study hard will not be up to the challenge for future work. I initially grasp how to use knowledge of English for general business activities, also become seriously study and work a good habit! I successfully completed the professional course. And with a strong English listening literacy. I am trying to learn their addition to English, but also actively expand their knowledge in various stages of examination, it has been a good performance by all, he has won the second Scholarship, in addition, in order to meet the needs of a new era of rapid development , coupled with their interest, participated in the department of computer training, have mastered the basics.

In terms of ideological and moral, ideological consciousness of their own have higher requirements, can be used to understand the scientific concept of development of the world social awareness, can clearly aware of his own shoulder social responsibility, personal ideal of life and development objectives, with relatively mature understanding and positioning. On learning courses, according to the requirements of their own professional direction, targeted carefully read up on the core curriculum, to lay a solid foundation for their study and work; and covered the part of other courses, broaden their horizons, to the professional direction of application background and the structure of the entire subject with the macro understanding. Academic ideal. In the Western context, focus on strengthening the training of reading, and have achieved some results.

In life, I attach great importance to exercise, having a good mental and physical fitness, sports performance excellent, body forging standards. I have broad interests, love life, especially like singing and painting. In the life and work I still have my own deficiencies and shortcomings, but I dare to correct and improve themselves. I believe: I have the most precious young life and knowledge, I will use their enthusiasm, energy, confidence and knowledge to cope with all the difficulties of life after work and met may create their own valuable life. I believe that pain no gain, wonderful life need to create their own!

I have to imagine after graduation, she felt social experience is still relatively lacking, and for work experience is a far cry, so that the current emphasis is on experience working with the social experience of the stage, continuous learning and accumulated while working towards with the shortest time threw himself into new jobs in.


I am cheerful, confident, motivated, adaptable, able to quickly integrate into the surrounding environment. Their work have a strong sense of responsibility. Since the school has served as planning work, and therefore have a certain capacity in this regard, and have rich imagination, things that can give new ideas. In addition, since the beginning of freshman on the outside part-time, considered relatively early into the community, the company's business processes with colleagues has a more clear understanding of the relationship, and can well handle their relationship with the boss, colleagues. I've been looking forward to a suitable for them, they really shine and make work, for which I am willing to contribute all of their abilities. Because I believe that in order to reflect the value of their own lives.


Graduates College, has a strong self-motivated, good working interest concentrated, with great plasticity and working potential. After four years of professional learning English SOUTH mastered solid foundation of knowledge, language proficiency has been improved greatly, strong communication skills. School education management system of strict obedience to superior shaped my decision-making and management system awareness. More outgoing personality, good at uniting comrades, can better handle interpersonal relationships, strong collaboration capabilities.


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