夫妻搞笑笑话故事 搞笑英语笑话小故事阅读



A new business was opening ... and one of the owner's friends wanted to send him flowers for the occasion.


They arrived at the new business site and the owner read the card,.... "Rest in Peace."


The owner was angry and called the florist to complain.


After he had told the florist of the obvious mistake and how angry he was, the florist replied, "Sir, I'm really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry, you should imagine this: somewhere, there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, ..


'Congratulations on your new location!'"



sherlock holmes and watson were out camping one night.


after pitching the tent and rolling out the sleeping bags, they decide to turn in.


in the middle of the night, holmes violently shakes watson awake.


"watson," he says, "look at the sky and tell me what you see."


夫妻搞笑笑话故事 搞笑英语笑话小故事阅读

"i see the stars." replies watson.


"yes, and what does that tell you?"


watson takes a big breath: "astronomically speaking, it means that we are insignificant among the spectrum of the universe, psychologically speaking that we are only creating a dent in the infinite mystery of life, and theologically speaking that god rules all things. how about you, sir?"


"what it tells me," he says, "is that someone has stolen our tent."



clean glass


joe and fred were helping to build a house in a village. the weather was very warm, there was a lot of dust everywhere, and by half past twelve, they were very thirsty, so they stopped work to have their lunch. they found the nearest small bar, went in and sat down with their sandwiches.


good afternoon, gentlemen. what can i get you? the man behind the bar asked.


joe looked at fred and said, beer, i think. yes, a pint of beer each. is that all right for you, fred?


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