shining star 一颗闪亮的星(A Shining Star)

A good teacher is like a shining star to students.Miss Li,my senior middle school English teacher, is a shining star in my life.

When I began my senior middle school years, I had difficulty in learning English.I dared not speak English aloud in public because of my poor pronunciation and intonation.I could not get high marks and grammar was not right at all。Afraid of being lanughed at,I never put up my hand to answer questions in English class.

When Miss Li found out my situation,she encouraged me and lent me a hand,which rapidly improved my English。With her help,I became interested in English and eventually got high marks.

shining star 一颗闪亮的星(A Shining Star)

Miss Li,like a shining star,shines in my path of success.


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保持一颗年轻的心态,让自己的人生更加美丽 保持良好的心态


其实我骨子里存有一颗摇滚的心 其实我有一颗反派的心

其实我骨子里一直都存有一颗摇滚的心我已经不记得喜欢摇滚是因为哪个人 但我记得我喜欢摇滚是出自于他的真诚一次偶然的机会让我触碰到了摇滚这玩样瞬间被他的歇斯底里 被他的这种人类生活态度的宣泄方式更被他的舞台感染力所吸引细

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