介绍歌手的英语作文 介绍歌手八年级英语作文



Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She

writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She

is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.

介绍歌手的英语作文 介绍歌手八年级英语作文


My favorite singer and her name is Krystal Jung Krystal is South Korea's largest company SM Entertainment's women's combination of F (x) members, f (x), a total of five members of the team are: Victoria, amber, and Luna, Sulli and another one is the smallest member is my favorite Krystal

With Krystal and a sister called Jessica. Jessica is a designer and actor and singer, Jessica and Krystal have beautiful appearance is the nationality of the United States of America Korean sisters two relations very close,

Krystal is often call another small icebergs, because she looks cold, in fact, as long as the familiar with her talents to know that she is actually very cute, crystal's favorite food is mango and Korean cattle, she likes to eat it..

This is my most loved singer ------Krystal Jung


Do you know Avril Lavigne? If you never heard of her, you must be behind the times. Avril was born in Ontario Province at 1984. She made her debut in 2001. Avril’s music, fashion and personality definition are accepted by young people. Of course, I was attracted, too.

Avril joined the ice hockey team when she was 10 and she started to learn guitar at the age of 12. Then she completed the first solo performance when she was only 14 years old. Little by little, her talent was discovered by more and more people. And she has sung many songs. LikeComplicated, Goodbye, Skater BoyandWish You were Here. She also sangAlicefor the movieAlice in Wonderland. She is the Best- Selling Canadian Artist in the world.


Jay is a pop singer from Taiwan prvince. He has been a singer for more than seven years. I love him because of his talent for music and his beautiful voice. His songs are always written by himself.And he often writes songs for other singers. He has a dream of music. Though he has got into difficultis many times on his way to reach his goal, but he has never given up. That's why I love him more.



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