日常生活英语对话 英语对话生活



1.hey,make sure you have your cell phone with you. 嘿 你一定要带着手机啊


2.I really like fish. 我很喜欢吃鱼。

3.Can I have some rice, please? 我可以来一些米饭吗?


4. Can I bum some money off you ?

5.I was caught in traffic. 我今天堵车。


日常生活英语对话 英语对话生活

The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m2. 我今天看的房相当不错,大概得有一百二十平米。


L: do you like cooking, Julia? 茱莉亚,你喜欢做饭吗?

J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good! 我很喜欢,尤其是做得好吃的时候. L: how often do you usually cook? 你一般多久做一次饭?

J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.



H: how is your house hunting going? 你的房子找的怎么样了?

L: not very well. I haven’t found anything within my price range yet. 不怎么样。还没找到价格能在我承受范围内的。 H: how much are you looking to spend? 你想找多少钱的?

L: I can only afford about 300 pounds a month. 我只能承受月租300英镑以内的。

will you be my wife?你愿意做我的妻子吗? god,im so nervous.老天,我好紧张。 she's a visionian.她真漂亮。

what's the word?怎么说来着? vittles 大快朵颐。

can i get you something to drink.我去给你们拿些喝的吧。

A bowl of beef fried noodles. 一碗牛肉炒面。

That is beef noodles, right? I will have that. 那是牛肉炒面,对吧?我要那个。

Who 's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面? it was an absolute debacle.我当场崩溃。

he's too arrogant 他太自以为是。

oh,crap,i left it at home again.糟糕,我又忘在家了。 i can't believe you tried to underimne me like this. 我不敢相信你居然这么诋毁我。

well,you gave me no choice.你让我没的选择。 because i need to win one 因为我得赢一次. and im sick of it.我受够了。

i'm ok wiht that.那样也好。

oh,my god,how many did you take.上帝啊,你到底拿了多少?

a clueless,emotionally stunted workaholic?一个无能的 为情所困的工作狂? how about dinner tomorrow night?明天晚上共进晚餐如何? look who's back_mr cocky.看谁又来了,自大狂先生。 you nailed me你看透我了。

i had no right to judge you.我没有权利评价你。

dont say anything,just什么也不说,只要。。。

stop seeing the person that i've been and start seeing the person i could be. 别再看着原来的我 开始看看以后的我 keep telling you ,i don't remember. 我说过多少次了 我不记得了

she never buses her tables.她从来不抹桌子。

it's okay,i am gonna find a way to make this all work. 没事的 我会找个法子 搞定这一切。

no foam this time.这次没有泡沫。

i tipped the glass just like you told me to. do you have trouble going to sleep. 你是不是睡的不好?

i'm ,uh ,by the orange stand.


you're everywhere these days这几天你可是无处不在啊。 okay,don't panic 好吧,别慌。

you were just gripping me so tight.你刚才把我夹得好紧。 God how could you do this to me!


It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad.But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. 人处于困境时,很容易变得沮丧。但我们不应失去信心,因为上帝一直在我们的生活中做着工作,甚至在我们遭遇疼痛和困难时也是这样。

Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗?


I really like fish. 我很喜欢吃鱼。

Can I have some rice, please? 我可以来一些米饭吗?

A What shall we order? What would you like to eat? A我们来点些什么呢?你想吃点什么? B Well, I really like fish. B嗯,我很喜欢吃鱼。

A OK, we can definitely order fish. They have great fish here. A好的,我们肯定能点鱼类菜肴。这儿做得鱼很好。

B Good. We can order some meat dishes too– and some vegetables,noodles and soup. B太好了。我们可以点些其他肉类菜肴,还有蔬菜,面条和汤。

当你做了决定要点哪些菜肴后,你可以用We can order . . . /我们可以点 . . . 练习:

We can order some green tea. We could order some local beer. We can order vegetables and rice. We could order anything you like. 我们可以点一壶绿茶。

我们可以来点当地的啤酒。 我们可以点些蔬菜和米饭。 我们可以点任何你喜欢的食物。 怎样鼓励别人

Don't lose your heart. You are almost there. 不要失去信心。你就要成功了。

Go for it. You are going to make it. 去做呀!你会成功的。 Come on. Just do it. 来,做呀。

Trust yourself. 相信你自己。

Well done, go on. 干得好,继续。


The restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places. 这家餐馆太吵了。我更喜欢安静一些的地方。

A Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? A你昨晚和李先生度过了愉快的时光吗? B Yes, it was good to see him.


A Where did you go? A你们去了哪里?

B We went to a very nice restaurant in Houhai. B我们去了在后海的一家非常别致的餐馆。 A You don't sound very enthusiastic... A听起来你的情绪不太热情..

B Well, for me the restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places. B哦,对我来说那家餐馆太吵了。我更喜欢安静一些的地方。 Notes注释

1 To ask if friends had a good time together, you can ask: Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? / Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? 要问你的朋友们是否一起度过了愉快的时光,你可以问:Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? /你昨晚和李先生度过了愉快的时光吗?

2 If you enjoyed being with a friend, but you didn't enjoy where you went, for example, a noisy restaurant, you can explain: For me, the restaurant was too noisy. / For me, the restaurant was too noisy. And: I prefer quieter places. / I prefer quieter places.

如果你和朋友在一起很开心,但是你不喜欢你们去的地方,比如,你们去了一家吵闹的餐馆,你可以这样解释:For me, the restaurant was too noisy. /对我来说那家餐馆太吵了。以及:I prefer quieter places. /我更喜欢安静一些的地方。 Key phrases and sentences

Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? Yes, it was good to see him. Where did you go?

We went to a very nice restaurant in Houhai. You don't sound very enthusiastic... Well, for me the restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places.

你昨晚和李先生度过了愉快的时光吗? 是的,见到他非常高兴。 你们去了哪里?

我们去了在后海的一家非常别致的餐馆。 听起来你的情绪不太热情. 哦,对我来说那家餐馆太吵了。 我更喜欢安静一些的地方。 picking up a client

A: All right, Mr. Crane, when will you be arriving in the city?

B: I should be coming in on the 11:30 mooring flight. How far is the office from the airport?

A: Only 25 minutes or so. We'll send somebody to meet you. That's 11:30 a.m. Friday the 15th?

B: That's right. I'll be in the baggage area. 迎接客户



A:只有25分钟左右的路程。我们会派人接您。星期五,15号,上午11:30? B:对。我会在行李区等着。


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日常生活英语怎么说 日常生活中防辐射怎么做

爱华保健知识配图  普通人可接触到两种核辐射  普通人群接触的有关核辐射主要分为非医源性和医源性。  非医源性辐射  我们生存的地球,人呼吸的空气、吃的食物、住的房屋以及外太空粒子等产生的辐射均被称为非医源性辐射

英语日常用语口语练习 日常生活英语口语课堂用语

  英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。  通常是通过声音传播的。英语文学作品中也常以书面形式记叙英语口语。  英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。与口语相对,书面英语是在口语的基



日常生活常用英语口语 日常生活英语口语问候语

  英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。英语文学作品中也常以书面形式记叙英语口语。  英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。与口语相对,书面英语是在口语的

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