一年级讲故事比赛视频 一年级英语小故事比赛文字稿本

儿童故事是用口语化的语言写出来的,适合儿童读、听、讲的,以叙述事件为主的情节生动的故事,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇一年级英语小故事比赛文字稿本 。

一年级英语小故事比赛文字稿本 1:A Jealous Girlfriend

Gary and Alma were having problems, again.

"But you told me it was okay to call up Carol," said Gary. "I asked you if it was okay to talk to her, because it was her birthday and I've wished her a happy birthday every year for the last 10 years."

"But you had already promised me that you would never call her again. You promised me that. So, you lied to me."

"But I had forgotten that I told you that. You know that I forget things. I'm not going to argue with you; you have a memory like an elephant. But you've got to believe me, I completely forgot. And more important, Carol is just a friend."

"No, she isn't. She's still in love with you."

"But I'm not in love with her. She can love me all she wants, but I'm not in love with her. I never was!"

"Well, you say that. Maybe it's true. Maybe it isn't. But the important thing is that you never know what the future will bring. You say that nothing will happen between you and her, but you don't know that for sure, because you don't know the future."

"Yes, you're right. No one knows the future. I could fall in love with her again, and she and I might run off and get married and have nine or ten kids."

"Again? What do you mean 'again'?"

一年级英语小故事比赛文字稿本 2:Towns Hit by Snowstorms

Redfield, New York, received twelve feet of snow last week. Its neighbors in Oswego are jealous because they got only ten feet of snow. An Oswego resident told a TV reporter that one more storm was coming in that would determine the winner. "I hope we get five more feet," he said. "That'll beat Redfield." This is the most snow the region has received in six years.

"The people who worry about global warming should come visit us. They'll worry less," said a Redfield resident. He said any visitors would have to wait till some snow melted, because most local roads were closed. Even the snowplows were waiting until after the next storm before they began to clear all the roads.

一年级讲故事比赛视频 一年级英语小故事比赛文字稿本

Schools were closed all week. Most kids were happy about it. They couldn't go ice skating or skiing because the roads were closed. But they did play in the snow, make snowmen, and have snowball fights.

"It wasn't a good week for me," complained one high school student. "I had to help my dad shovel all the snow off the roof." When he finished doing that, his dad asked him to shovel the snow off the driveway and the sidewalk. "I can't wait for school to reopen," he said.

一年级英语小故事比赛文字稿本 3:Famous Model Dies

Once in a while, someone dies and you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the sad news. Thousands of people worldwide felt that way when they heard that the beautiful Anna Nicole Smith had suddenly died.

It was a "tragedy that shocked the nation," according to various TV and radio reporters. "The nation is in mourning," these same reporters claimed. She was only 39.

Her husband discovered her lying in bed unconscious and not breathing. Paramedics quickly arrived and tried to revive her, but it was too late. Her body was taken to the morgue, where the coroner did an autopsy the next day. No evidence of drugs was found. It might have been a heart attack, but further testing was necessary.

Anna was a cover girl, a model, and an actress. She married a billionaire who was 89 when she was only 25. The billionaire died a couple of years later.

Anna went to court to get her fair share of her husband’s wealth. The case was still unresolved when she died. Now it will continue after her death, because Anna has a new-born daughter. The daughter might be entitled to millions when the court case is finally settled. At least three men have claimed to be the father of this millionaire baby.


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一年级小学生讲故事 小学生一年级讲故事


讲故事比赛作文500字 讲故事比赛作文

我参加过许多次的演出、比赛,但令我最兴奋的是今天下午的讲故事比赛。 中午,我化好妆来到教室,同学们都说我是个小公主,让我更有了自信。一点钟左右,我和妈妈来到了五楼阶梯教室。只见比赛已经开始了,台下坐满了许多同学、老师,我赶紧找了

小学生优秀讲故事比赛 优秀小学英语故事比赛稿

英语故事教学是小学英语教学中的一种重要方法,对学生综合语言运用能力的发展起着重要作用。小编精心收集了优秀小学英语故事比赛稿,供大家欣赏学习!优秀小学英语故事比赛稿:Bar Bet酒吧的赌博A guy walks into a bar, stopping to

小学英语讲故事比赛稿 关于小学英语故事比赛稿

故事教学是指在教学过程中,通过故事来调动学生参与课堂教学的积极性,提高学生学英语的兴趣,从而有效地完成英语教学。下面是小编带来的关于小学英语故事比赛稿,欢迎阅读!关于小学英语故事比赛稿篇一小熊的梦It’s snowing, it’s

儿童讲故事比赛演讲稿 儿童故事比赛演讲稿素材


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