5分钟讲故事五年级 3到5分钟的五年级英语故事



I grew up in a very religious family. By the time I was in my teens, I had had enough of God and spent the early years of my adult life ignoring him.


By the age of thirty-four, I had three children, was going through a divorce, and my business was going under. I had no money, no credit, and our small apartment was far too cramped for a family of four. For the first time in years, I prayed to God.


The following day I began my search for a new home. I called a number listed in the classifieds and went to see the house. Instantly, I knew it was meant for us. Four bedrooms and right on the lake, perfect! The man made an offer to let me lease to own. I was thrilled but still knew I didn't have the money.


I went home and prayed again. The following week, a lady from my woman's group offered to invest twenty thousand dollors into my business! I knew it was God helping me. I went to the bank and I was granted a mortage for the house.



Ebony Marshal was in the habit of going off withfriends afterschool and getting into trouble.Sometimes they would drink, steal from stores orpick on other kids. She was out of control and herparents didn't know how to help her.


5分钟讲故事五年级 3到5分钟的五年级英语故事

There was a program at her high school called SOSbut Ebony held no real interest in the club, she thought it was lame to participate in afterschool activities. However, one day she saw a sign that read, "Want to be in a Rock Band?Come to the SOS club." That caught Ebony's attention.


She loved rock music and always wanted to be in a band. She decided to try it out. She wentto the club and found out that there were some really cool people in the club and that theactivities were fun. She joined the rock band and began going to SOS almost everyday.


Her grades went up and she stopped getting into trouble after school. In Ebony's last year atschool she became an SOS group leader herself, helping other kids stay out of trouble.



Nellie had a baby boy in 2002. She always knew thatwhen she had children she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. However, in this day and age it is almostimpossible to live well off on one person's salary.


To solve this problem, she decided to start abusiness she could do from home. Her husbandsupported the idea one hundred percent and helped her learn the tools she needed to besuccessful.


Nellie designed a website for moms. It teaches and gives strategy points to people on how tostart a successful online business. Nellie's first priority is her child, so she works on thebusiness when her baby is sleeping or dosen't need sttention. So far her business is doinggreat.


Her plan is to gross $60,000 a year by the year 2007. With the sucess, she has had so far andher amart business sense her goal seems very likely.


Her piece of advice is to do what makes you happy and do it well.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/233861/382183329.html


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