接电话用英语怎么说 办公室接电话英语怎么说

接电话用英语怎么说 办公室接电话英语怎么说



(Sometimes a secretary may run into some unexpected telephone calls. The following is an example. You will see how Miss Wang, a senior secretary, deals with the troublemakers')

(A: Miss Wang; B: a telephone troublemaker)

A: Mr. Hansen's office, Miss Wang speaking.

B: I want to talk to Mr. Hansen.

A: May I have your name, sir?

B: I'm Tom Smith.

A: May I tell Mr. Hansen the reason for your call, Mr. Smith.

B: He fired my cousin yesterday, and I intend to talk to him about it.

A: I'm sorry, but Mr. Hansen is very busy right now. Perhaps you would like to write him a letter about the situation. If you will mark it'Personal', I will see that it comes to his attention.

B: No, I demand to talk to him.

A: I'm very sorry, Mr. Smith, but I can't help you. Good-bye.


Linda:Hello! Who is speaking?

John:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda。

Linda:This is her。

John:Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening。

Linda:Really? What time and where?

John:7:30 pm, at Longding Chinese restaurant. I’ll be at your place at 7:00 to pick you up if you need a ride。

Linda:Yes, please. I’ll need a ride. I’ll be waiting for you then。

John:See you tomorrow at 7:00. Make sure you dress a little formally. I heard the restaurant is kind of upscale。

Linda:Thank you. See you then。

John:See you。


Hello,May I speak to John?

Sorry,he is not at home now.This is marry speaking.

Oh,Marry,Can you take a message to him.


tell him to give me a phone when he come back.Thank you!





B:Hello.is this 4474716?I'd like to speak to Mr.Wang,please?

A:I'm sorry.Mr.Wang is out right now.

B:May I know when he'll be back?

A:I don't know,but he will certainly be back for lunch.This is his wife speaking.Can I take a message for him?

B:Thank you,Mrs.Wang.Please tell him to be at the airport one hour before tomorrow afternoon.

A:Very good.I'll let him know as soon as he comes back.But,may I have your name,please?

B:This is Lin Ming.Thank you.Bye.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/234561/309009701.html


no thanks什么意思 不用谢用英语怎么说

 不用谢用英语怎么说?  You're welcome ;  Don't mention it  not at all  You are welcome  Any time  不用谢的相关英语例句:  1. "Thanks for your call."— 'My pleasure.' “谢谢你打来电话。”

接着用英语怎么说 接下来用英语怎么说

   接下来用英语怎么说  adv. next ; then  双语例句  接下来,走出去和你遇见的人试试这招。  Next, go out and try it on the people you meet.  接下来,你需要有你赞成的事情,而不只是反对的事情。  Next,

接电话用英语怎么说 关于酒店接电话英语怎么说


蜘蛛用英语怎么读音 蜘蛛用英语怎么说

蜘蛛是蛛形目的动物,肛门尖端能分泌粘液,在空气中凝成丝,用以结网捕食昆虫。那么你知道蜘蛛用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着小编来学习一下吧。蜘蛛的英语说法1:spider蜘蛛的英语说法2:arachnid蜘蛛相关英语表达:蜘蛛毒 spider venom;蜘

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