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It might look like just another compact car.


What workers at Greatwall Automobile vehicle plant of Bulgaria are putting together, is China's foothold in the European market.


Greatwall is the first Chinese auto-company to manufacture vehicles in the European Union.


The stated yield plan is bringing new employment opportunity to the town of Lavage. Ivan Kusalarff is a team leader.

这个木已沉舟的项目将会为洛维奇市带来新的就业机会。Ivan Kusalarff负责这个项目。

He studied engineering in Sweden, but immediately jump that opportunity to help build auto-industry in his home country.


I would've probably stayed there if I haven't heard about this career opportunity because it's not just a job opportunity,


most of us here for to a long-run, we're not just here to buy some time, earn some money and then go home.


The plant is a joint-venture between Greatwall Motors, one of the China's largest auto-makers and Turks, Bulgarian industry company.


Greatwall recently started its production for now, its cars are available here in Bulgaria and Macedonia.


Very soon, they want to expand first southeast of Europe, and then to the entire continent.


They hope to become a player in what is very competitive automobile markets.


Management acknowledges Greatwall's main selling point is the low price, but says that does not come the expense of quality.


We make fine products of great qualities, the marketing director says that I can ensure you that products we make are not inferior to those of other producers, European, Japanese, and others.


The car plant is the most visible Chinese investment in Bulgaria, but not be only one, companies from China are investing in algricuture and red ruber energy here.


But Bulgarian government says Chinese investment in the country increased by 40 million euros last year. Leading experts believe China sees Bulgaria as a gateway to the EU.


Not have political prejudice against emerging market ecomony because we're emerging market economy.


So that's one big reason. And of course, in terms of labor cost, in terms of land price, energy prices in Bulgaria is the cheaper.


The workers at the Greatwall car plant want to prove they can produce quality at low cost.


The future of this Chinese investment could depend on whether or not they succeed .



Changes of Life Caused by Computers and Automobiles


The computer and the automobile, the mainstays of modern life, share similar pasts. The computer, which has only recently become a common feature of most people's homes and offices, had its beginnings in the 1830's. At that time, the British mathematician, Charles Babbage, developed the mechanical computer. In the same way, the first type of automobile was a steam-powered vehicle invented in 1769. The gas-powered car was not mass-produced until Henry Ford's Model T in 1915, and did not become a common possession for Americans until several decades later.


Although both the computer and the automobile took a long time to become integral parts of most people's lives, once they did, they revolutionized the whole world. Today most people would rather drive their car to the office in the city than take public transportation, even though the latter may be cheaper, more convenient and safer. The reason for this is the sense of freedom, independence and privacy afforded by car travel.


In the same way, people will now spend a large amount of money to own a computer which allows them to communicate by e-mail instead of by post, and which allows them to obtain information from the Internet instead of the library.




The automaker is developing technology that turns the entire windshield into a display to assist driversin difficult conditions. The system relies on sensors and cameras inside and outside vehicles topick up on things that driver might not see, for example, when it's foggy, the cameras canidentify where the edge of the road is and display that information on the windshield. GM doesnot expect this technology to be in cars though for several more years.


Or you may not realize it, but your cell phone charger draws energy even when your phone isnot plugged in. But AT&T says it has a solution to the problem. The zero chargerautomatically shuts down when not in use, so you never have to unplug it. AT&T willbegin selling it in May for 30 dollars.


PayPal has a new iPhone app that gives you one more reason to leave your cash and checks athome. The app makes it easy to transfer money between friends to do things like split arestaurant bill, to send money to people can simply bump their phones together or users canchoose someone from their contact list. Users can also request money or manage their accountwith the software. The app is free to download.

会计专业文章阅读 专业汽车类英语文章阅读


And finally a new way to go star-gazing without even going outside. Microsoft has added a newfeature to Bing maps that allows users to see what the stars look like from any point on earth.The application is called the world wide telescope and it gives people a real time view of what'shappening in space around the earth. It also maps out the planets, the solar system andanything not on earth. Users can just pinpoint what they are looking for and fly right to it.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/234961/319383438.html


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