小暑 “小暑”英语怎么说

名词解释:小暑(Lesser Heat),是二十四节气之第十一个节气,也是干支历午月的结束以及未月的起始;公历每年7月7日或8日时太阳到达黄经105°时为小暑。暑,表示炎热的意思,小暑为小热,还不十分热。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Slight Heat, comes between July 6th and 8th annually, is one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar.

"Shu" stands for hot, so "Xiao Shu" (Slight Heat) means hot, but not as hot as "Da Shu" (Great Heat).

Due to the high temperatures of summer, people's digestive functions are relatively weak. Therefore, bland diets are preferred.

小暑 “小暑”英语怎么说

In the north of China, dumplings and noodles are the traditional food in Slight Heat.






文中的Slight Heat就是“小暑”的意思,也可以称为Minor Heat或者Lesser Heat,是二十四节气(solar term)之第十一个节气;文中提到的“大暑”则为Great Heat或者Greater Heat,这段时间也是气温最热的“伏天”(dog days或hot summer days),通常在立秋(the Beginning of Autumn)和白露(White Dew)之后,天气逐渐转凉。

文中的bland是形容词,意为“清淡的;和蔼的”,如:bland diet(清淡的饮食),bland smile(和蔼的微笑)。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/234961/942073167.html


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