A: how could we advertise our celebrations to mark the centenary of the founding of the university?
B; I’m sure we could get one or two tv companies to come in. perhaps the president could invite them and do an interview.
A: that’s a good idea. We could put up some posters in and around the campus with a list of events. It would be quite cheap to do on the campus.
B: it will be expensive to do outside the campus. Perhaps we could arrange for some sponsorship.
A: we could contact alumni who work for large, well-know companies. They might be able to arrange cheap advertising in exchange for some free tickets.

B; good thinking! We should also print some leaflets for students to distribute.
A: we should put some information about it on the home page of our university website. When people visit the website, they’ll see the information.
B: we could take out some advertisements to local newspapers. I checked the prices and they are reasonable.
A; ok. Let’s get to work on our advertising campaign.
A: there are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs.
B: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans.
A; I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more.
B; I see your point, but if companies didn’t spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I don’t like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying.
A; I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway.
B; yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can’t avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign.
A; I like that too. I don’t like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don’t buy a certain product, you’re not cool or modern or efficient or something.
B: that kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.
A: do you buy that newspaper every day?
B: yes, I do. I find it very informative. It always has plenty of articles from correspondents all over the world and the business section is very useful too.
A: is there a Sunday edition of that newspaper?
B; yes. There is. it has several sections, so it’s quite a read! It usually takes me a few hours to read it on Sunday morning.
A: what section does it have?
B: let me see. There’s the news section, the entertainment section, sports, business, and world affairs.
A; what’s in that section?
B: world affairs? They look at the most important stories in more detail. I find it fascinating. Do you buy a daily paper?
A; I buy a national newspaper sometimes, buy I nearly always buy a local evening newspaper. I find the local news more interesting than national or international news.
A; are there any interesting articles in today’s newspapers?
B; the headlines are all about the presidential election in the united states. Few other stories made the front pages.
A; is there anything of interest to us in the business sections?
B; there’s an interesting feature article in the chronicle about doing business in china and the daily news has printed a report about the special economic zone near pairs. We have a subsidiary company located there.
A; are the reports favorable?
B; generally, the reporters take positive lines. They do point out a few problems that we need to be aware of, but there’s nothing worrying in the reports. In the classifieds, one of our competitors is advertising for people who speak Japanese.
A: that’s interesting. They must be thinking of moving into that market. Are there any interesting editorials?
B; not really. They all seem to focus on the election. There have been several letters printed in the chronicle regarding that controversial article on drugs that they printed last week.
A; I’m not surprised. That article certainly added fuel to the debate. Ok. Thanks. Can you leave two articles and the advertisements with me? I’d like to read them.
B; sure. There you are.
A; do you often buy magazines?
B: I buy a computer magazine every month. It keeps me up-to date with all the latest developments.
A; why don’t you find the information on the internet instead?
B: sometimes it takes too long to find the exact information you are looking for. Besides, I like to read a magazine in a coffee bar sometimes.
A: do you have an online edition of that magazine?
B: yes, they do. But you can only access all the articles if you have a subscription.
A; do you have a subscription?
B; yes, I do. The magazine arrives by post at the beginning of each month. Do you every buy magazines?
A: I only buy them if they look particularly interesting. I don’t buy any regularly.
A: I see you have bought the latest co[y of “beauty and fashion”. Are there any interesting articles in it?
B; there’s an interesting interview with a top fashion designer about the latest fashions. I enjoyed reading her thought. The “which?” section is very interesting this month. They tested facial cleaners. The article recommends “all clear” for effectiveness and price.
A: I like to take the tests that they print in this magazine.
B: which tests do you mean?
A: you know. Tests like ”how jealous are you?” and “are you a fashion victim?”
B: oh, I see. I like to do those tests, too, but I don’t take them serciously.
A; of course not, but sometimes the results make you think about yourself and what you do. According to the jealousy test, I’m quite a jealous type of person. Perhaps I need to control my jealousy.
B; you’re right. It’s sometimes hard to tell which pages are advertisement and which ones are articles.