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1) good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。)

2) in doing we learn.(实践长才干。)

3) prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.富贵结朋友, 患难见真情

4) if you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人

5) it is better to fight for good than to fail at the ill.宁为善而斗, 毋屈服于恶

6) he who has hope has everything.怀有希望者, 便拥有一切

7) self-trust is the first secret of success.自信心是成功的首要关键

8) the secret of success is constancy of purpose.成功的秘绝在于目标坚定有恒

9) success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.成功源于努力去克服困难

10) experience is the extract of suffering.经验是受苦的结晶


1) all things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。]

2) great hopes make great man.(伟大的理想造就伟大的人。)

3) god helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。)

4) four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)

5) nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(无热情成就不了伟业。)

6) actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。)

7) lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误。)

8) from small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小。)

英语谚语大全带翻译 英语谚语翻译大全

9) one today is worth two tomorrows.(一个今天胜似两个明天。)

10) truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。)

11) the tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌无骨却能折断骨。)

12) a bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。)

13) knowing something of everything and everything of something.(通百艺而专一长。)

14) good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。)

15) in doing we learn.(实践长才干。)

16) prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.富贵结朋友, 患难见真情

17) if you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人

18) it is better to fight for good than to fail at the ill.宁为善而斗, 毋屈服于恶

19) he who has hope has everything.怀有希望者, 便拥有一切

20) self-trust is the first secret of success.自信心是成功的首要关键

21) the secret of success is constancy of purpose.成功的秘绝在于目标坚定有恒

22) success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.成功源于努力去克服困难

23) experience is the extract of suffering.经验是受苦的结晶

24) nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。)

25) the shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。)

26) east or west, home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好。)


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