课程表的英文怎么说 语文的英文怎么说


语文[yǔ wén ]


(中文) Chinese ; (语言文字) language ; (语言和文学) language and literature

网 络Chinese;verbal;language;Language Arts

课程表的英文怎么说 语文的英文怎么说


Language teaching is both a science and art.


These examples show how differences in culture exist among and within languages.



What can criterions afford to native language education in the process?


Some of them can even take up a third language.


The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.


Violating prescribed standards of speech or writing.


Tibetan is used in large meetings attended by the masses.


Toponym standardization should meet both political and literate standards.


And all these are also the meaning of classic poem teaching.

1. He is a philologist, specialising in American poetry. 他是专攻美国诗歌的语文学家。

2. Declamation is a traditional Chinese teaching method. 诵读教学是我国传统的语文教学方法。

3. But this is to begin literary culture at the wrong end. 但是,这恰恰将语文的修养过程本末倒置.

4. We study politics, Chinese, English, maths, geography and other lessons. 我们学习政治 、 语文 、 英语 、 数学 、 地理和其他课程.

5. Purists bemoan the corruption of the language. 主张语文纯正的人哀叹语言趋于不纯.

6. The distinctions between Latin America and AngloAmerica are not merelylinguistic but also cultural. 拉丁美洲与盎格鲁美洲不但有不同的语文,还有不同的文化.

7. They may choose to study foreign languages, advanced mathematics orscience, such as physics or chemistry. 他们可以选择学习外国语文 、 高等数学或像物理、化学的科学.

8. The survival of a language is closely linked to its environment. 语文的生存与生活环境息息相关.

9. The reading teaching is the elementary school language teaching core arepartial. 阅读教学是小学语文教学的核心部分.

10. Teaching reading is the secondary language teaching one of the mainelements. 阅读教学是中学语文教学的主要内容之一.

11. As we know Chinese education means cultural education in some sense. 因为语文教育,从某种意义上来说就是文化教育.

12. Also, this paper discusses the evaluation to the research - based study ofChinese. 最后, 本文还着重讨论了语文研究性学习的评价问题.

13. I failed my Chinese test. I feel very sad. 我语文考试不及格. 我感觉非常伤心.

14. Why to emphasize aesthetic education in middle school Chinese education. 为什么要在中学语文教育中强调审美教育.

15. The third chapter is about Chinese reading teaching and imaginativethinking. 第三章语文阅读教学与形象思维.

16. Third chapter. The discussion cooperation study deepens to thelanguagedisciplinarity archery target. 第三章讨论合作学习对语文学科性质的深化.

17. This paper talks about the effective management of Chinese classroomteaching. 本文对语文课堂教学的管理问题加以论述.

18. At school, we learn English, Chinese, maths and so on. 在学校, 我们学习英语 、 语文 、 数学等等.

19. What a great influence money has on language learning! 可见经济利益对学习语文的影响有多大!

20. Language teaching knowledge includes explicit teaching knowledge andtacit teaching knowledge. 语文教学知识包括显性教学知识和缄默教学知识.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/235561/30515626.html


课程表的英文怎么说 语文的英文怎么说


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