2人英语对话短文 2人英语对话



A :Hey B,what are you doing now?


B: Hey A, i'm watching tv.Come on,it's really wonderful.


A :What the delicious food it is!It's your favorite show?


B: Yeah.I like to watch food program.


A: Oh,tell me why?


B: For me, food is too attractive


It looks so tempting and taste so delicious.


A: That sounds good.But i feel this programs only let your appetite even better 那听起来不错。但是我感觉这些节目只会让你胃口大开

B: Of course,these programs let me enjoy the food, but also increased my weight. It is a headache problem for me.


B: Ok,i want to know what's your favorite tv program.


A :My favorite TV program is "Animal World".


B: That's good.Why do you like it?


A: It tells us many stories of animal life. we can learn the animals' habits and their lifestyle.through it we can understand the importance of living in harmony between men and animals.


B: Very good,I guess I should watch some non-food program.


A Perhaps it would be better.I don't want you become a fat panda.



A: Hello , Tom,long time no talk.“好,汤姆,好长时间没交谈了”

B:Oh my god ,Jim.hi! so nice to see you !“偶,吉姆,你好,很高心看到你”

A:So early.it’s a beautiful day.“这么早,今天天气真好”

B:yeah , I get up early everyday, the air at this time is so fresh that we can do some exercise which is good for our health..“是的,我每天都很早,这个时间的空气很新鲜,锻炼对我们身体有好处“

A:you are great ,oh ,Olympic games is coming!“你很 棒,偶,奥运会要到了啊“ B:yeah,about 28 days,I am very excited.“是的,还有28天,我很兴奋“

A:I know you like play basketball,what do you think our team?“你很喜欢篮球,你觉得我们篮球队怎样“

B:en,our team is still good ,we have a lot of good players ,such as Wang

Zhizi,Zhu Fangyu,Liu Wei,Shun Yue,Du Feng,Zhang Jingpeng,…I believe that Yao will lead our team to win.“嗯,我们队还是不错,我们有许多优秀的球员,像王治郅、朱芳雨、刘伟、孙悦、杜锋、张静鹏-------我相信姚明能带领我们队取得胜利“

A:but it is said that our first game to rival the United States team.“但据说我们第一场比赛将挑战美国对“

B:oh my god , I know Kobe Byant , and many nba stars will come Beijing ,but no Allen Iverson,this is the only regrettable thing“我的天啊,我知道 科比*布莱恩特、保罗、霍华德、韦德、安东尼,还有许多NBA明星都会来北京,但唯一的遗憾是艾弗森不会来“

A:yeah , I remember that he participated in the Olympic Games in 2004, but failed, Perhaps he was not interested in this Olympic Games.“是的,我记得他04年参加过奥运会,但失败了,也许他对这次奥运会不感兴趣“

B: Perhaps, but I like to see Kobe Byant play, because he is very self-confident and handsome , he moves very graceful,and this is his first Olympic at which I hope he will come true his dream “也许吧,但是我喜欢科比打球,他非常自信,因为他的动作很优美并且这是他第一次奥运会“

A: I think it must be very exciting,I hope our team will win.“我想一定会很精彩,我希望我们队会赢

2人英语对话短文 2人英语对话

B:henhen,that was a miracle.“嘿嘿,那就是奇迹出现“

A:no, anything is possible.“不,一切皆有可能”

B:yeah ,you are right ”你说得对”

A: I hope Liu Xiang can get champion in the sprint race again.”我希望刘翔能在短跑比赛中再次夺冠“

B:oh,I hope so,but a person who called Robert is also strong. “希望如此,但一个叫罗伯特的小伙子也很强, “

A:I believe Liu Xiang , He is our pride. “我相信刘翔,他是我们的骄傲,

B: you may also like football , which team do you think will win?” 你也喜欢足球,你认为哪个队会胜利“

A:en ,let me think, Argentina ,Germany,Brazil and England all very great, but Macy has a good speed. although he is not very high ,so I think the champion will be Argentina.”嗯,让我想下,阿根廷、德国、巴西、英格兰,都很强,但是梅西有很好的速度,尽管他不高,所以我认为冠军将是阿根廷“

B:I agree with you ,I very admire Macy too。and I think their biggest rival is Brazil, because Brazil has a very good football culture ,so it have many good players,and Brazil holds many times champions in the World Cup and Olympic games , I guess they will meet in the finals ‘我同意你的想法,我也很崇拜梅西。并且我认为他们最大的对手是巴西队,因为巴西有很好的足球文化,他们有许多优秀的球员,他们还拿过许多次冠军在世界杯和奥运会上,我猜他们将在总决赛相”

A: yes, I am very confident that our table tennis team,I think they must be win !” 我对我们的乒乓球队很自信,我认为他们一定能赢“

B:certainly, it is our national sport ,I believe that Wang Hao will win a gold medal at this Olympics.“是的,他是我们的国球,我相信王浩能在这次奥运会上获得冠军“

A: I am proud of our table tennis,and in many other countries top players are Chinese,for example Singapore,Poland ---“我为我们的乒乓球感到自豪,并且许多其他国家的优秀球员是华人,例如新加坡、波兰、----“

B:yes ,I think sports without borders ,yeah this let me remember the Olympic theme song which is sung by Sunnan and Liwen called <forever friends>”we are family and we just spent too much time apart, yes, because we all live in the same sky and see the same moon and stars. “是的,我认为运动没有国界,是的,这让我想起了奥运会个主题曲——《forever friends》由孙楠和李纹唱的那首,‘我们是一家人’‘我们只是分离了太久,是的, 我们都生活在同一片天空下,看的是同一湾月亮,同一群星星。

A: yes, one word one dream“是的,同一个世界同一个梦想”


A:oh, the ring is ringling ,let’s go now

B;ok,let’s go!


Tom: Do you eat a lot of healthy food?

Mark: Not as much as I should. Unhealthy food just tastes so much better. And anyway, I

believe if you live a low stress life and are active, you can get away with eating whatever you like. It’s all in the mind.

Tom: I am sorry to tell you that french fries is not so health.

Mark: It would make the body get inflamed. I knew.

Tom: It’s not only this. The french fries you bought from the noshery on the street is

poisonous.The oil they used is from the sewer and it’s called hogwash oil. It produces

1.5 to 1.8 billion yuan a year.

Mark: Really? Can you give me some advice about eating healthy food?

Tom: Ok. At first, doctors were suggesting for years that people should eat more fish. Mark: I like fish.

Tom:Also you can buy some vegetables than some green food. I know you prefer to exercise

at ordinary times.Can you tell me something about that?

Mark: The first step is to choose an activity you love.And then,you should set small

goals ,turn envy into motivation .At last,keep your resolve.I think healthy sleeping habits can make our body strong.

Tom: I agree with you. Journal of Health reported that a set of healthy sleeping habits are

difficult to develop, but so worth it!

Mark: If you’re feeling run down and beat up, I can help. Here are four healthy sleeping

habits to develop, all of them geared toward making you feel and look fantastic. It’s called beauty sleep for a reason.

Tom: I’d love to hear about it.

Mark:First get eight to ten hours each night.Second don’t sleep too late. Third save your

space! .Fourth stay on habit. None of these healthy sleeping habits seem difficult, do they? but you can do it, and you’ll be so glad you did!

Tom: I think it is useful!

Mark:Once you’ve developed these healthy habits,try to keep them! It’ll take some time, usu

ally about six weeks, before these new habits take hold. After that, you’ll struggle to remember what your old habits were like.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/235961/428565578.html


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