年月日翻译成英文 5月1日的英文翻译



May 1st


1. As from Sunday, May 1 st, all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.

从5月1日即星期日起, 本公司运输费将每磅提高10便士.

2. In China, we celebrate International Labor Day on May 1.

年月日翻译成英文 5月1日的英文翻译

在中国, 我们在5月1日庆祝国际劳动节.

3. Would you please book two rooms for 3 days, beginning from May 1?

请您为我订两个房间好 吗 ?从5月1日起,住3天.

4. Miss Black took over from Mr. Jones on May 1 st.


5. We received on the 1 st May your valued favour dated 3 th April.


6. On May 1, 2005, our country will begin to carry out the new letter creed example.

2005年5月1日, 我们国家开始执行新的信访条例.

7. On the morning of May 1 st, the opening ceremony of the Expo Site will be held.


8. The Expo will take place from May 1 st to October 31 st, 2006, altogether 184 days.

本次展会于2006年5月1日开幕,10月31日闭幕, 为期184天.

9. Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu on May 1 st.


10. May 1 st 2008 | MONTREAL.


11. Keelung Mayor's Cup International Yacht Race, will be held on May 1 nd 2005 in Keelung, Taiwan.

2005基隆市长杯国际帆船竞赛, 定于2005年5月1日于台湾基隆举行.

12. On May 1 screens after Asian each place, many local movie fan displays enthusiastically.

5月1日在亚洲各地上映后, 多个地区的影迷表现踊跃.

13. After the unsolicited offer was disclosed May 1, Dow Jones shares rose more than 50 %.

5月1日, 道琼斯接到收购要约的消息被披露,此后其股价涨幅超过了50%.

14. Article 29 These Measures shall enter into force as of May 1, 2007.


15. Enclosed please find cheque for settlement of the call loan grant to us on the 1 st may.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/236261/273458081.html


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