As an airport skycap checked through a customer at curbside, he accidentally knocked over theman's luggage.
一个机场行李搬运员在航站楼边帮一个旅客搬行李时无意 中撞翻了这个人的箱包。
He quickly collected the fallen bags and apologized for the mishap. Unappeased, the travelerburst into an angry tirade, raging and swearing at the skycap for his clumsiness.
他赶快收拾起掉落的行李,并且为他的 过失道歉。然而那个旅客一点不领情,他大发脾气,言辞激烈, 粗暴地骂那个行李员笨拙。
Throughout the traveler's rant, the baggage handler simply apologized and smiled. The angryman continued to berate the skycap, until he finally headed off to catch his plane.
叫骂过程中,那个行李员始终都是微 笑道歉。那个暴怒的旅客一直不停地训斥那个行李员,直到最后 他去赶飞机。
Even then the baggage handler remained calm and passively smiled.
The next customer in line witnessed the incident and marveled at the skycap's professionalismand control.
排队等候的另一位顾客目睹了整个事件,对行李员的职业 水准和控制力赞叹不已。
"I have never seen such restraint and humility," he said. "How do you keep your cool whensomebody is attacking you so viciously?"
“我从没见过如此的克制与谦卑。”他说, “当别人这么恶毒的攻击你时,你是怎么保持冷静的?”
"It's easy," the skycap answered. "He's going to Denver, but his bags are going to Detroit."
“很简单。”行李员答道:“他要去丹佛,但是他的行李会 去底特律。”
That is certainly ONE way of managing attitudes, but here is a more constructive approach.Have you heard of the A-B-C method of managing your attitude? It's simple and effective.
这当然是一种处事的态度,但我们还有更富建设性的方法。你听说过一个叫“A-B-C”的处事方法吗?这是个简单而 有效的方法。
"A" stands for the "Activating Event." Let's say you get stuck in traffic. The traffic jam is theactivating event.
“A”表示“引发亊件”。比如说你遇到交通堵塞,塞车就是 那个引发事件。
"B" stands for your "Belief System." You believe that traffic is only getting worse and you'll havemore and more days like this ahead.
“B”表示你的“信念系统”。你相信交通会越来越糟,以后 像这样的日子会越来越多,
"C" stands for the "Consequence of the Event." You become angry. You want to honk yourhorn. Your stomach is tied in knots and you bang the dashboard with your fist.
“C”代表“事件结果”。你开始生气,你想要鸣汽车喇叭, 你的胃扭成了一团,你用拳头使劲砸仪表盘。
The problem is...most people jump directly from "A" to "C." They get stuck in traffic and becomeangry. They think the traffic jam made them upset. They don't realize that they didn't HAVE toget angry. They skipped an important step!
问题是……很多人会从“A”直接跳到“C”。他们遇到塞车 就暴怒,他们认为塞车让他们难受,他们认识不到他们根本没必 要愤怒,他们漏掉了最重要的一步。
Let's try it again:
"A" - you get stuck in traffic.
“A” 一你遇到塞车。
"B" - you believe that you were given some unexpected and extra time to spend in solitude,to listen to a great tape or to plan your day.

“B” 一一你认为你得到了意外的或额外的时间可以一个人^ 待会儿,听听动听的音乐,或者计划一下一天的时间,
"C" - the consequence is that you feel gratitude for the gift of time.
I have a friend who is fond of saying, "A traffic jam has no power to make us angry. It juststops our car." He is aware that between the activating event and the consequence issomething that we control: our beliefs about what is happening.
我有个朋友总喜欢说:“塞车本身没有让我们发怒的鹰力, 它只是让车子停下来而已。”他知道在引发事件和结果之间的东 西是我们所能控制的,即对于正在发生的事情的看法。
The next time you have a problem -- at home or at work, big or small -- decide to manage yourattitude toward it. Practice the A-B-C method.
下次你遇到问题——无论在家里还是在单位,也无论大 小——先决定你对这件事要采取什么态度。
You probably can't change "A," the activating event. But try changing "B," your beliefs aboutthe problem. When you change your beliefs, you also change "C," the consequences of thesituation.
试试这个“A-B-C” 法,也许你改变不了 “A”,那个引发事件,但是试着把握“B”, 你对这个问题的信念。当你改变了信念,你也就改变了 “C”, 亊情的结果。
It's as simple as A-B-C. Manage your beliefs, and you'll manage to be a lot happier!
像A-B-C—样简单,掌握了你的信念,你就能获得更多的 快乐!
When I was 11, I found out I had a brain tumor. I had surgery to remove it, but the size andlocation of the tumor caused my optic nerve to atrophy. For three years afterward, I hadpartial sight, but my ophthalmologist told me that eventually I would go blind.
11岁那年,我被诊断患有脑瘤。手术切除了脑疱.但肿瘤 的大小和位置却导致了我的视觉神经萎缩。3年后,我还能看见 一点点东西,但眼科医生说我最终会失明。
At the end of my 14th year, doctors pronounced me legally blind and said there was nothingthat could be done. I had a 5 percent chance of surviving the tumor, and I did, but somehow Icould never deal with the fact that I was going blind. I tried to behave as if everything were justfine. When it happened, I was devastated.
快过完14岁时,医 生断言我已经完全失明,并且亳无办法治疗,当时,我患上脑 瘤后,存活的几率只有5%,结果我活了下来,但对于即将失 明的现实,我却无能为力。我努力表现得一切正常,但当它真正 成为现实时,我却绝望了。
My dad left us when I was 15, and I took that really hard. Because of that, and because I wasblind on top of it, my greatest fear was that no one was ever going to love me, that I wouldnever get married and have kids and a full life. I was afraid of being alone, and I guess that iswhat I thought blindness meant.
15岁那年,父亲离开了我们,这简直令我无法承受。正因 为如此,再加上处于失明最痛苦的时期,我最大的恐惧是没有人 再爱我,我永远都不能结婚,不能有自己的孩子和一个完整的生 话。我害怕孤独,我想,这些就是我当时对失明的理
Ten years later, on Nov. 16 of last year, I was cooking dinner and leaned over to kiss my guidedog, Ami. I lost my balance and hit my head on the corner of my coffee table and then on thefloor. It wasn't unusual. When you are blind, you hit yourself all the time. I got up, finishedmaking dinner and went to bed.
10年过去了,去年11月16曰,我正在做晚餐?弯腰亲吻 我的导肓犬阿米时,突然失去重心,一头捶在了咖啡桌的一角,然后又摔在地这没什么大不了的,要是你失明了,你也总会 撞伤自己。我爬起来,继续做完晚餐,然后上床睡觉。
When I woke up, I could see. Light was coming through my window, and the curtains weredrawn. Of course, I was shocked, but not scared, not like when I lost my sight. There is a bigmirror in my bedroom, but I didn't look at myself right away. I wanted to wash my hair and puton makeup first.
当我醒来时,我能看见了。阳光从拉着窗帘的窗户透进来。 当然,我大吃一惊,但并不像失明时那样恐慌。卧室里挂着一 面大镜子,我并没有立刻去照。
I do not look good in the morning, and I didn't want to be frightened. As I was showering, Icaught my reflection . And just that left me speechless, really.
我想先洗头,化妆,早展的模 样并不好看,我不想让自己受到惊吓。洗澡的时候,我看见了 自己的影子。顿时说不出话来,真的。
The last time I saw myself, I had short hair, a pale complexion and features that didn't showbecause I had such light eyebrows and eyelashes. I looked awful, like a teenage girl, I suppose.
最后一次见到自己时,我留着短短的头发,脸色苍白,面 容黯淡。因为我的眉毛和睫毛都很淡,看起来像一个十几岁的 小女孩,糟糕极了。
Now, all of a sudden, I realized that it was true what people told me, that I was an attractivewoman. When I stood in front of the mirror, I reached to touch my face.
但是,现在,我突然意识到,别人跟我说 的都是真的,我是一个漂亮的女人。我站在镜子前,触摸着自 己的脸。
That is what I had been doing for 10 years -- it was how I understood -- so it was a naturalimpulse. It was not until I saw myself that I realized how much my memory had faded of thingsI once could see.
十年来,我一直这样做一我只是这样理解的一所 以这是一种自然冲动。直到我看见自己,才意识到曾经看见的 记忆^已经在很大程度上消退了。
It was about four hours before I told anyone. I stayed with Ami. We looked at each other andplayed outside in the yard. I just wanted to be alone, and take it in. It was so much.
大约四个小时后,我才告诉 其他人。我和阿米在一起,我们注视着对方,在外面的院子里 的玩儿。我只想独自接受这一事实,它对我的意义太大了。
The strange thing was that I knew it was going to happen. About a week before, I was walkingAmi and suddenly saw blue dots in front of my left eye, the one I would regain my sight in.
奇怪的是,我很早就知道自己会复明。大概一个星期前, 我带着阿米散步,突然看见左眼前面有蓝色的圆点。后来正是这 只眼睛复明了。
I told my mum because I found it funny; blue had been my favorite color and was the easiestcolor for me to see when I had partial sight. I took it as a sign.
我告诉了妈妈,因为很有趣的是,我一直最喜欢 蓝色,这也是我还有部分视力时最容易看到的颜色。我把它当成 了某种信号。
People don't treat me differently now. I was always completely independent. I lived in Auckland,New Zealand, in my own flat with my dog. I would have parties and go clubbing. I would listento the beat of the music and go with it and hope for the best.
现在,我不再享有人们的特殊对待了,我一直独立生活, 带着小狗住在新西兰奥克兰市自己的公寓里。我以前会参加聚 会,去俱乐部玩,会听着音乐,打着节拍,祈求最佳状态。
When your friends grab you and point you in the other direction because they are actually overthere, that is when you remember you're blind. I also loved movies. Going to the movies blindwas like someone telling you a really good story with great sound effects, and you make up allthe images in your head.
当我 和朋友们一起疯玩时,只有当他们抓住我的手,指着另一个方向,告诉我,其实他们在那边时,我才想起自己是个盲人。我也喜欢看电影,盲人看电影就好像在听别人给你讲一个 非常好的故事,伴着精彩的^^响效果,你可以在脑海中想象所有 的情形。
I haven't been back since I regained my sight. But I've been able to see my favorite soap,''Shortland Street.'' And my friends took out magazines and pointed out Pamela Lee Andersonand Brad Pitt. The biggest surprise was Brad Pitt. I just thought, What is everyone going onabout? The best was seeing my boyfriend.