人教版高一英语必修三Unit 4期末综合复习试题及答案

有没有一份良好的英语试题卷可以比较准确的检验出你的英语学习成绩呢?让我们来做一套试题卷吧!以下是小编整理的人教版高一英语必修三Unit 4期末综合复习试题以供大家学习参考。

人教版高一英语必修三Unit 4期末综合复习试题

一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

1. — Shall I call a taxi?

— It’s so far.

A. Never mind. B. Why not? C. Take care. D. Will you?

2. — Could I speak to whoever is in charge of the store, please?

— May I ask who ?

A. calls B. called C. is calling D. was calling

3. — Have those measures prevented house prices ?

— It’s hard to say now. After all, they’ve been carried out for only three months.

A. to rise B. rising C. rose D. to rising

4. The children watched, as the three robots were dancing to fast music on the stage.

A. amazing B. to be amazed C. amazed D. having amazed

5. excited the Smiths most was that Obama was elected President of the USA once again.

A. What B. That C. How D. Whether

6. Grandma’s hen a strange egg yesterday, which attracted a lot of villagers.

A. lied B. laid C. lay D. lain

7. These chemicals are supposed to be harmful animals and people.

A. to B. with C. on D. for

8. Parents should try to create a friendly in their family, which helps their children develop self-confidence at an early age.

A. situation B. position C. atmosphere D. chance

9. At the beginning of the party, Jessica suggested singing a sweet song together to Maria.

A. turn up B. cheer up C. set up D. pick up

10. In the late 1960s, it was not immediately obvious the computer played an important part in people’s life and work.

A. how B. which C. that D. what

11. After school, David ran back home all the way just to watch the football match.

A. in return B. in time C. in need D. in turn

12. — Hearing what I had said, Mr. Liu gave me a expression.

— Really? Your explanation must have been very .

A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled

C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling

13. you have decided to settle down in this beautiful town, why don’t you ask your family to move here?

A. As if B. Ever since C. Now that D. Even if

14. The peace talk between the two countries failed, and some people feared that a war would


A. put out B. put up C. break out D. break up

15. Now the number of students in our school is that of five years ago.

A. as twice larger as B. twice as larger as

C. as twice large as D. twice as large as

二、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)

A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an operation. He changed his clothes and went 16 to the surgery (手术) block. He found the boy’s father going and coming in the hall 17 the doctor. Once seeing him, the father 18 , “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is 19 ? Don’t you remember your 20 ?”

The doctor 21 and said, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t in the 22 and I came quickly after receiving the call. And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can 23 my best.”

“Calm down? What if your son was in this room now? If your son dies now, what will you do?” said the father 24 .

The doctor smiled again and replied, “Go and pray for your son. We will do our 25 .”

“Giving advice when you’re not 26 is so easy,” responded the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out 27 , “Thank goodness! Your son is 28 !” And without waiting for the father’s reply, he ran away quickly. “If you have any questions, ask the 29 !”

“Why is he so 30 ? Couldn’t he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my son’s 31 ?” complained the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor 32 .

The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, “His son died yesterday in a road accident. He was in the burial (葬礼) when we called him for your son’s surgery. And 33 he saved your son’s life, he left running to 34 his son’s burial.”

The boy’s father was very ashamed. He thought we should never 35 anyone simply because we never know how their life is and what is happening or what they’re going through.

16. A. slowly B. clearly C. directly D. carelessly

17. A. waiting for B. asking for C. caring for D. begging for

18. A. suggested B. shouted C. doubted D. explained

19. A. in need B. in charge C. in relief D. in danger

20. A. chance B. promise C. dream D. duty

21. A. smiled B. laughed C. joked D. noted

22. A. school B. home C. hospital D. store

23. A. do B. gain C. develop D. draw

24. A. gradually B. angrily C. patiently D. simply

25. A. choice B. work C. problem D. excuse

26. A. satisfied B. moved C. concerned D. surprised

27. A. suddenly B. pitifully C. helplessly D. happily

28. A. lost B. saved C. accepted D. protected

29. A. nurse B. patient C. teacher D. official

30. A. terrible B. friendly C. silent D. determined

31. A. suffering B. movement C. position D. situation

32. A. came B. left C. visited D. prepared

33. A. what if B. not until C. now that D. even if

34. A. begin B. stop C. finish D. make

35. A. harm B. help C. warn D. judge

三、阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)


Trish was working at a hospital in Alberta. One day when she left work, she found that her car needed its own hospital. Trish was in great trouble because home was at least a 20-minute drive to the town of Didsbury and she could not afford a tow truck (拖车).

As Trish was standing outside, a man who had a fresh bandage (绷带) on his hand walked out of the emergency (急诊) room of the hospital. Realizing that Trish was in trouble, the man offered to give a hand to her. However, they both failed to make the car start. The stranger then offered to drive Trish home.

“Oh, no, you can’t,” she said, “You don’t understand. Actually, I don’t live here. I live in the next town, Didsbury.”

The stranger insisted on making the drive to the next town. Trish knew he had just been in emergency and was likely to feel some pain from his injury. She didn’t wish to cause problems for anyone in the extreme cold, especially someone who had just been injured. Again the man insisted.

Trish accepted the ride home. She had a few dollars. When they arrived there she offered them to the man as a way of expressing her gratitude. She wanted to help pay for the gas at least. The man refused. He wanted nothing but to see her arrive home safely.

Later Trish said to her friends, “I’ve never forgotten that stranger and I never will. I don’t even know his name. I am so thankful for his goodness!”

36. We can learn from the first paragraph that ______.

A. Trish didn’t take much money with her

B. Trish worked in a hospital in Didsbury

C. Trish’s car ran out of gas that day

D. Trish lived near the hospital in Alberta

37. What does the underlined word “gratitude” in Para. 5 probably mean?

A. Bravery. B. Goodness.

C. Pride. D. Thanks.

38. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Trish has kept in touch with the man ever since.

B. Trish has kept the man’s help in mind ever since.

C. Trish has taken special care of her car ever since.

D. Trish has taken pride in the man’s help ever since.


Teen Book Club

Do you want to hang out with other teens of your age and talk about what you’ve read? Join us each month as we read and discuss a new novel! Check at the Children’s Services desk to find out the book of the month. Space is limited. Passes will be given out half an hour before the program starts.

Age group: teens

Time: 12 pm-1 pm, March 14, 2013

Location: Story Room, Centennial Hills Library

Shonen Society

Hang out and watch new and classic animes (动漫). If there are not any movies or shows you’re interested in, you can stay and read interesting comic books, or enjoy pictures of many anime characters. And the librarian will introduce to you the most popular anime characters.

Age group: teens

Time: 3 pm-5 pm, March 11, 2013

Location: Meeting Room, West Charleston Library

Just For Kids

If you feel you are too old for story time, this club is just for you. Join us in a fun discussion about your favorite books and create a special craft to take home. This month we will read books from the 39 Clues series.

Age group: kids

Time: 4 pm-5 pm, March 28, 2013

Location: Story Room, Summerlin Library

EBook Downloading 101

Learn how to download an eBook and transfer (转移) it to your eReader! The Library District has many titles for you to enjoy for free. In this one and a half hours’ class, you will learn how easy it is to start using this great service.

Bring your eReader and your library card. For more information, please call 702-507-6300.

Age group: adults & seniors

Time: 10:30 am-4 pm, March 1, 2013

Location: Virtual Training Lab, Windmill Library

39. To join Teen Book Club, applicants have to .

A. book a seat in advance

B. bring a new book with them

C. get a pass before the program starts

D. arrive one hour earlier

40. If you like making crafts besides reading, you can go to .

A. Teen Book Club B. Just For Kids

C. Shonen Society

D. EBook Downloading 101

41. Who will be most interested in Shonen Society?

A. A child who likes watching classic animes.

B. A child who is good at drawing pictures.

C. A child who is interested in model toys.

D. A child who wants to read classic novels.

42. We can infer from the part of EBook Downloading 101 that .

A. it is difficult for students to use an eReader

B. eBooks can only be read on eReaders

C. most teenagers don’t like to use eReaders

D. an eBook needs transferring before you read it on your eReader


Living in space is not the same as living on the earth. Many things are different. For example, the way astronauts stay clean and neat in space is different. Learn how astronauts stay strong, clean and neat in space.

In space, astronauts’ bodies change. On the earth, our lower bodies and legs carry our weight. This helps keep our bones and muscles strong. In space, astronauts float. They do not use their legs much. Their lower backs begin to lose strength. Their leg muscles do too. So their bones begin to get weak and thin. This is very bad for astronauts’ bodies. They must exercise in space every day to keep themselves healthy.

On the earth, people need to stay clean. In space, astronauts need to stay clean, too. Staying clean takes more work in space. In space, astronauts do not have a bathroom as we do at home. But they have their own toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, brushes, and shavers. These things are kept in a special box. Astronauts use toothpaste and toothbrushes just like ours. There is no sink like ours, though. Astronauts have to spit into a washcloth.

Astronauts take baths in a different way in space, too. They use special kinds of soap and shampoo, which do not need water. Astronauts must use them carefully. They cannot let the soap bubbles go all over the place. After washing, they use a towel to dry off. These special soap and shampoo are also made for patients who cannot get in the water.

Doing housework is not always a fun thing. But we have to keep our rooms clean and neat. In space, astronauts live in very small space. They have to keep their area clean just like we do on the earth.

43. Why do astronauts’ leg muscles lose strength in space?

A. Because they carry too much weight in space.

B. Because they take little exercise in space.

C. Because they have little space to move around.

D. Because they seldom go out and walk in space.

44. How do astronauts keep their mouth clean after brushing their teeth?

A. By washing their mouth with water.

B. By cleaning their mouth with soap.

C. By cleaning their mouth with a towel.

D. By spitting into a washcloth.

45. Astronauts have to bathe carefully so that .

A. they can save more water B. water will not fly everywhere

C. soap bubbles won’t go all over the place

D. they can keep the bathroom dry and clean

46. From this passage we can learn that .

A. it is very interesting to live in space

B. it is more difficult to live in space

C. living in space costs a lot of money

D. it will be a long time before humans live in space


人教版高一英语必修三Unit 4期末综合复习试题及答案

There you sit in the backseat. Mile after mile passes by on the highway. Every once in a while you notice a little green sign with a number on it. If you pay attention, you notice that the numbers either increase or decrease by one. What are these things? Highway mile markers, of course!

Have you ever seen these mile markers and wondered why they’re there? What purpose could a small green sign with the number “137” on it possibly have? As it turns out, mile markers serve several important purposes.

For example, if you were driving on a lonely highway at night and your car broke down, what would you do? You would probably call someone for assistance (援助), such as the police. But did you ever stop to think how you’d tell them where you are? Telling them you’re on Highway 37 near the big oak tree probably isn’t going to help you out of trouble. If you can tell them you’re only about a quarter mile past mile marker 23, though, you’ll probably get the assistance you need quickly. So the next time you see a mile marker, you’ll understand that it can help you tell someone exactly where you are.

On most highways, the mile markers are related to the exit numbers. If you know you’re headed for Exit 57 and you just passed mile marker 47, then you know you’ve got about 10 miles to go until you reach your destination.

Mile markers on interstate (州际的) highways can also help you determine which direction you’re going in. On most interstates, mile marker numbers begin at the southern state line on north-south routes and increase as you travel north. On east-west routes, the numbers begin on the western state border and increase as you travel east.

47. Which of the following can be the right order of the mile markers?

A. 1, 2, 3, 4… B. 2, 4, 6, 8… C. 1, 3, 5, 7… D. 5, 10, 15, 20…

48. The writer offers an example in the third paragraph to tell us that .

A. accidents may happen at any time on the highway

B. policemen are always ready to help others

C. highway mile markers are very important

D. people are easy to find on the highway

49. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that mile markers .

A. help you travel around

B. show you the right direction

C. remind you of the possible dangers

D. tell you the exact time of the day

50. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. How to recognize mile markers?

B. Why do highways have mile markers?

C. Where can you find mile markers in America?

D. The difference between different sorts of highway mile markers


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/236561/486194240.html


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