雅思作文范文 雅思作文范文三篇 媒体类



No one can avoid being influenced byadvertisements and advertising exerts a tremendousinfluence on us. Recently, there are people who areof the opinion that public has the right to know thecorrect information of the advertisements andgovernment also should restrict the contents of these advertisements. Personally I agree withthis opinion for the following reasons.

In the first instance, consumers have the right to know the correct information beforedeciding on whether to buy them. Advertisements are highly information that helps people tomake choice before they go to buy what they need. If the advertisement exaggerates theproducts it also will persuade people into buying things, which they don’t really want.

Secondly, any misleading advertisements will lead to the marketing tricks, causing chaos inthe market. Too many misleading advertisements are barrio to distinguishing between decentproducts or products of bad quality. His bread in truth is made with soy flour, while headvertises it as white bread. These misleading information causes illegal competition.

Last but not least, government should stipulate laws in consumers’ interests. According tothe laws, advertisements must be truthful. If the advertisements mislead consumers,government can impose great fine on them to set a lesson.

In general, the role of advertisements is inevitable and undeniable. A good advertisementcan be a bridge between business and consumers and helps keep business moving. So we needcorrect information and government also needs to restrict the contents of advertisements. Letmisinformation of advertisements be far away from us.


The invention of television, one of the productsof modern civilization, has made an enormouschange in the lifestyle of human beings. TV has been playing more and more important role inmost families after work. Yet, as to whether it is a blessing or a curse, parents often holdwidely different opinions and take totally different attitudes.

There is suspicion in some parents’ minds that TV might retard their children’s creativeability or restrain kids’ imagination because TV viewers tend to receive information in a passiveway instead of discovering things by themselves. Although people working in the TV industryhave made lots of efforts to produce various programs, the outcome is usuallyunsatisfactory: either the program is too profound to be understood or the topic is notinteresting enough to attract TV audiences. Thus, watching TV is hardly a good way to inspirechildren’s creativity. In many cases, it can draw attention away from their studies and spoiltheir school education.(From:www.cnielts.com)

Despite the negative effects that TV produces, many parents still think that TV programsare quite helpful to their children’s mental development because these programs can broadentheir horizons and enrich their life experiences. Admittedly, some scientific, detective anddocumental programs like Discovery and National Geographic are so enlightening andfascinating that even little kids can be absorbed in. Furthermore, some well-chosen programscan motivate young children to diligent studies and in-depth researches. Hence, if parents canselect TV programs carefully, the advantages brought about by watching TV definitely outweighits disadvantages.

In summary, TV is like a double-edged sword that can be used in a positive or negativeway. Parents can make their own decisions about whether to have TV at their houses. It is theirresponsibility to make sure that their children’s creativity is enhanced through watching TV.


The invention of television, one of the productsof modern civilization, has made an enormouschange in the lifestyle of human beings. TV has been playing more and more important role inmost families after work. Yet, as to whether it is a blessing or a curse, parents often holdwidely different opinions and take totally different attitudes.

雅思作文范文 雅思作文范文三篇 媒体类

There is suspicion in some parents’ minds that TV might retard their children’s creativeability or restrain kids’ imagination because TV viewers tend to receive information in a passiveway instead of discovering things by themselves. Although people working in the TV industryhave made lots of efforts to produce various programs, the outcome is usuallyunsatisfactory: either the program is too profound to be understood or the topic is notinteresting enough to attract TV audiences. Thus, watching TV is hardly a good way to inspirechildren’s creativity. In many cases, it can draw attention away from their studies and spoiltheir school education.(From:www.cnielts.com)

Despite the negative effects that TV produces, many parents still think that TV programsare quite helpful to their children’s mental development because these programs can broadentheir horizons and enrich their life experiences. Admittedly, some scientific, detective anddocumental programs like Discovery and National Geographic are so enlightening andfascinating that even little kids can be absorbed in. Furthermore, some well-chosen programscan motivate young children to diligent studies and in-depth researches. Hence, if parents canselect TV programs carefully, the advantages brought about by watching TV definitely outweighits disadvantages.

In summary, TV is like a double-edged sword that can be used in a positive or negativeway. Parents can make their own decisions about whether to have TV at their houses. It is theirresponsibility to make sure that their children’s creativity is enhanced through watching TV.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/236761/626246354.html


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