旅游英语 酒店 已预定 预定酒店的旅游英语


1 远程预定酒店

Scene: Henry Bellow (B) and Margaret Bellow (M), an American couple, are going to spend their Holidays in China. Now Mr. Bellow is making a at Haitian Hotel in Shanghai through a long distance call.

s (R): Shanghai Haitian Hotel. Desk. Can I help you?

B: I’m calling from New York. I’d like to book a room in your hotel.

R: What kind of room would you like, sir? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and Deluxe suites in Japanese, British, Roman, French and presidential styles.

B: A British suite, please.

R: Would you like breakfast?

B: No, thanks.

R: Can you give me your name please, sir?

B: Bellow. B-E-L-L-O-W.

R: Thank you, Mr. Bellow. And your arrival and departure dates?

B: From May 26th to May 29th.

R: Very well, Mr. Bellow. British suite without breakfast from May 26th to May 29th. Am I correct, Mr. Bellow?

B: Yes, thank you.

R: What time will you be arriving, Mr. Bellow?

旅游英语 酒店 已预定 预定酒店的旅游英语

B: Around 5:00 p.m.

R: All right. You’ll be expected to be here then.

B: That’s fine. Thank you, madam. Good-bye.

R: Good-bye.

2 团体预订酒店

Scene:The telephone rings. The s (R) answers the phone.

R: s. May I help you?

Client(C): Yes. The American People-to-people Education Delegation will be visiting Shanghai at the end of this month. I’d like to book 10 double rooms with twin beds for five days.

R: For which dates?

C: For May 23rd, 24th, … and 27th.

R: One moment please, sir.

(The s check the list.)

Yes, we can confirm 10 rooms for five days.

C: Thank you. Is there a special rate for a group ?

R: Yes, there is a 10 per cent discount.

C: That’s fine.

R: By the way, how will they be getting to Shanghai? Will they be coming by air?

C: Yes.

R: Could you give me the flight number, please, in case the plane’s late?

C: Oh, sorry. I don’t know the flight number, but I’ll let you know by phone tomorrow.

R: Thank you, sir.

C: Oh, yes. According to the program, they’ll have a meeting on the 25th. Have you got a big conference hall?

R: Yes, sir, we have a very nice multi-function hall, but you’ll have to speak to the manager about that. Please hold on a moment and I’ll see if I can put you through.

3 预定当地酒店

Scene: The s (R) answers the phone as soon as it rings.

R: Reception. Can I help you?

Client (C): I’d like to book a single room with shower for Mr. George Smith. He plans to arrive on the 20th of this month.

R: How long will he be staying?

C: I don’t know, but it could be anything from seven to tend.

R: Then we can only confirm a room from the 20th to the 27th. I’m afraid we won’t be able to guarantee him a room after the 27th. We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons.

C: What if there isn’t any room then?

R: Don’t worry, sir. We can either put him on a waiting list or find him a room in a nearby hotel.

C: Fine. How much do you charge for a single room with breakfast?

R: For one night, the hotel cost would be 200 yuan. How will he be paying, sir?

C: His company will cover all the expenses. We’ll send you a check right away.

R: Thank you, sir.

C: Thank you. Good-bye.


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