图像沉迷 image-obsession
沉迷本质 essence of this spirit drug
经验沉迷 addict to the experience
网络沉迷 internet indulgence
沉迷于 go in for
1. I went through about four years of being addicted to video games.
2. Don't lead a dissipated life.
3. Open this book and read a few pages and you will be hooked.
4. Infatuated with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, Antony lost his will to fight.
安东尼沉迷于埃及女王克娄帕特拉的美色, 失去了斗志.
5. I have an eating disorder and an addictive personality.
6. There is counseling to help Internet addicts? even online .
有咨询机构帮助网络 沉迷 者.
7. I had been revelling for about half an hour.
8. Constant indulgence in gambling brought about his ruin.
9. I cocooned in my own kingdom.
10. He was engrossed in thought.
11. He was infatuated with gambling.
12. Current studies estimate that about 6 to 10 percent of Internet users become addicted.
13. At the beginning of her school days, Helen was rapt in classical music.
刚开学时, 海伦沉迷于古典音乐.
14. Besides, I want you to tell me why I should not go in for philanthropy.
此外, 请你告诉我干吗我不应沉迷于博爱主义.
15. I love the way the people are dissolving into the background.
1. 他曾经那么沉迷于弹钢琴。
He was at one time so devoted to piano playing.
2. 这项工作曾使他沉迷了好几年。
This work had absorbed him for several years.

3. 他过去沉迷于当名演员的幻想中。
He used to indulge in fantasies about being a famous actor.
4. 让小朋友不再沉迷于电脑游戏。
This may protect children from addicting to computer games.
5. 我太太沉迷于赌博。
My wife got hooked on gambling.
6. 她沉迷于自己的痛苦之中无法自拔,根本没去想别人是否受到伤害。
She was too bound up in her own misery to care that other people were hurt.
7. 年轻人们更有可能沉迷于电子游戏。
The young are more likely to abandon themselves to arcade games.
8. 沉迷是一种深度迷恋的心理状态。
Limerance is the psychological state of deep infatuation.
9. 他沉迷于赌博。
He was infatuated with gambling.