熊猫基地导游词中英文 成都大熊猫基地英文导游词



Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. You know, The base is the best destination to know the giant pandas. Here we can closely observe pandas ,how they rest, eat and play with each other, also, we can learn how to feed them, even we can watch female pandas nursing their cubs . And more importantly, we can further our understanding of how to protect these beautiful but endangered creatures.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the Adult Panda Enclosure.

Look, there are two giant pandas just coming out from their house. The bigger one is Huanhuan, a male panda. And the smaller one is Xixi, a female panda. Both of them are 4 years old. You know we are very lucky today, because usually at this time they were still in bed.Now they are walking towards the fresh bamboo ,it seems that they are going to have their breakfast.

Now while we watch them eat, let me introduce their eating habit to you.

熊猫基地导游词中英文 成都大熊猫基地英文导游词

We all know that giant pandas are famous for their love of bamboo. But do you know how much bamboo a giant panda eats a day? 5kg, 8, 10? Actually, for an adult panda, it eats about 17kg of

bamboo stems a day or 14kg of bamboo leaves, or about 40kg of bamboo shoots. That’s quite a huge amount, right? So giant pandas almost spend 12-16 hours eating bamboo each day.

And now you may ask why they need to eat so much bamboo? That’s because bamboo has very little nutritional value, so pandas must eat a lot to meet their energy needs.Besides, to reduce their energy consumption, pandas spend about 10 hours on sleeping everyday. That’s why the time left for them to play is very little.

Everybody, here comes a confusing question, are giant pandas herbivores? No, there are not

herbivores. Although they depend so much on bamboo and only about 1% of their diet is made up of other foods., Giant pandas are members of the bear family; they have the same digestive structure of carnivores.

In some ways, they are anomalies of evolution. They are descended from meat-loving carnivores. In other words, their digestive tract is built to break down meat and is inadequate to break down bamboo. So pandas can only get small amount of nutrition from bamboo. That’s another reason why giant pandas have to eat lots of bamboo .

The fact is startling, right? Pandas still eat meat occasionally when it’s available. But maybe because bamboo is easy to get year-round so evolution favored pandas that rely on bamboo. For whatever reason, after thousands of years of eating bamboo, they like it more and more, so much so that they prefer it than any other food.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have learned why giant pandas need to eat a lot of bamboo every day. Next I am now going to show you how female pandas feed their cubs. Please follow me. We are going to the next site, the giant panda nursing facilities. Thanks


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