一、外贸英语函电范文大全--运输篇:INDIGO CMPANY LIMITED
85 Victory Street, Manila
The Philippiness
Tel: 63-2-68000 Fax: 63-2-580001
13 June 200#
Mr. Li Mingyang
Export Manager
Unitech M & T Co. Ltd
963 Tianmu Road, 14th Floor
Shanghai 200070
Dear Mr. Li:
Our order No.3979: 50 Electric Drills
As it is now more than two months since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, We should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Marco Fillmore
Managing Director
二、外贸英语函电范文大全--包装篇:Forward Bicycle Co. Ltd
987 Jiangnan Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China
Tel: (0520) 500000 Fax : (0520) 500001 Zip Code: 215300
February 1, 199#
Gulf Commercial Center
P. O. Box 376
Abu Dhabi
U. A. E
Attention : Mr. Y. Mohammed

Dear sirs,
The 12,000 cycles you ordered will be ready for dispatch by 17th December. Since you require them for onward shipment to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar, we are arranging for them to be packed in seaworthy containers.
Each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 20 are banned together and wrapped in sheet plastic. A container holds 240 cycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, each weighing 8 tons. Dispatch can be made from our works by rail to be forwarded from Shanghai harbour. The freight charges from works to Shanghai are US$80 per container, totally US$4.000 for this cnsignment, excluding container hire, which will be charged to your account.
Please let us have your delivery instruction.
Yours faithfully,
Kang Zhuang
General Manager
三、外贸英语函电范文大全--保险篇:GLOBAL INSURANCE(ASIN)LTD.
5th Floor, 600 Xinshiji Boulevard, Pudong, Shanghai 200120
The People's Republic of China
Tel: (021) 5000000 Fax: (021) 5000001
24 November 200#
Miss. Liao Wen
Liaison Office
Ganjiang Potteries Ltd.
Shanghai Representative Office
444 Jingling Road #202
Dear Miss Liao:
I am sending the claims form you requested in your fax of 23 November 199- and we will consider the matter once we have full details.
I think I ought to point out that this is the fourth time you have claimed on a shipment. Thought I appreciate that your products are fragile, and that in each case the goods have been shipped clean, it would be in your interest to consider new methods of packing. I agree that the claims have been comparatively small, but in future you will have to ask your customers to hold consignments for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. I should also mention that further claims affect your premium when the policy is renewed.
Yours sincerely
Daniel Cooke
Greater China. Region
四、外贸英语函电范文大全--询价篇:cathay Business Machines Import & Export Corporation
2000 Century Boulevard Pudong, Shanghai 201206, China
Tel:(021)59000000 Fax:(021) 59000001
September 5, 20**
Universal Software, Inc.
2468 Oak Street
San Francisco CA94105
From the latest issue of Computer World we have learned about your Business Guide software package for IBM-compatible PCs. We would like to find out more information about the package because we think it might be appropriate to the needs of our customers.
Would you mind answering the following questions?
1. Is the program an integrated package, or does it come in several modules?
2. Can the user swith from function to funtion without down-loading?
3. Can the user customize the billing periods?
4. Is there any provision for security?
5. What is the price of the software?
If you have a brochure that describes the package, we would appreciate you sending it along.
Sincerely yours.
SHEN Husheng(Mr.)
Import Manager
五、外贸英语函电范文大全--宣布访问篇:Declaring A Visit
Dear Mr. / Ms,
Mr. William Taylor, President of our Corporation and Mr. James Rogers, Marketing Manager, would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on a joint venture. They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China about a week. Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest. If the time of their visit is agreeable, will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visa?
Yours faithfully
六、外贸英语函电范文大全--介绍信篇:Letters of Introduction Dear Mr. / Ms.,
This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.
We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.
Yours faithfully
七、外贸英语函电范文大全--祝贺信篇:Dear Mr. / Ms,
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations. May the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day!
Yours faithfully
Congratulation letter 2
Dear Mr. Minister
Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.
We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.
Dear Mr. / Ms,
Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.