英语对话短文两人 两人英语课堂对话短文



V: Wow, Cambridge students are going to receive pole dancing classes to help combat summer exam stress.


L: It’s unbelievable. But Francisco, who is responsible for airanging the pole dance classes, said that the classes are for fitness and well-being, and are not intended to be sexual.

L:真难以置信。但是负责安排钢管舞课的弗朗西斯科说安排这样的课只是为了健身 和健康,不是为了性感。

V: And the report said that Cambridge Union Society officers have confirmed that.


L: Wait a minute, you mean Cambridge Union Society, the famous debating society in Cambridge?


V: Yes. And the lessons will take in the Blue Room of the Union building, more commonly used as the venue for debates among venerable statesmen including Winston Churchill and former Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

V:是的,而且钢管舞课还要在联合会大楼的"蓝厅”开课呢。蓝厅平时多用作德高 望重的政治家们开展辩论的场所,包括英国前首相温斯顿?丘吉尔和前大主教德 斯蒙德?图图等人都在此辩论过。

L: I'm curious about Cambridge Union Society. Since its founding in 1815, the Society has developed a worldwide reputation as a noted symbol of free speech and open debate.

L:我对剑桥联含会很好奋。自从1815年建立以来,联含会就作为言论自由和公开 辩论的著名标志而享誉世界。

V: For almost two hundred years, the Cambridge Union Society has stood as a centre of debate and free speech in British intellectual life.

V:在其近200年的历史中,剑桥联合会一直是英国知识分子生活中辩论和言论自由 的中心。 .

L: The Society is fiercely independent and has often been at the centre of controversy. Shortly after it’s founding in 1815 it was temporarily closed down by the University for being too contentious.

L:联含会非常独立并经常处于争议之中。在1815年成立后不久,它就被剑桥大学 临时关闭了,因为它太容易引起争论了。

V: But today with its own bar, library and cinema facilities,it has become an integral part of student life in Cambridge..

V:但是在今天,拥有自己的酒吧、图书馆和电影院设备的联含会已经成为剑桥学生 生活中必不可少的一部分。

L: Speaking of its origin, the exact origin of the Society remains steeped in legend, but as the story goes the Union was founded in 1815 at the conclusion of a drunken brawl between three smaller College debating societies.

L:说到它的起源,关于联合会的起源的确有很多传说。但是据说联含会是在三个较 小的学院辩论社团的成员暍醉酒争吵过后成立起来的,那年是1815年。

V: And the union of the three societies provided the basis for the name “The Cambridge Union Society.”


L: The Union originally existed as a gentleman’s club, the sole preserve of the rich and well connected and, using the Union as a model, a similar society was subsequently formed in Oxford.

L:联含会起初只是一个男生俱乐部,只招收家庭富裕、有社会背景的男士。随后以 联合会为典范,牛津大学也成立了一个相似的社团。

V: This is in stark contrast to today, where all members of the University are welcomed amongst the diverse membership.

V:今天的情况和以往大不相同,会员刺的多样化使得剑桥大学的所有学生都能成为 联合会的一员。

L: The Union has debated all sorts of topics: crime, drugs, prostitution,race, law, abortion, gay rights and the media.

L:联含会辩论各种各样的话题,如犯罪、毒品、卖淫、种族、法律、堕胎、同性恋 者权利和媒体等。 ..

V: Topics like asylum seekers,Europe, Iraq, pornography and tuition fees have all taken place over the last few years.

V:在过去的几年中,联合会的辩论话题还涉及到寻求政治避难者、欧洲、伊拉克、 色情作品和学费等。

L: Debates on international affairs have often been the most controversial. Following the attendance of the Ambassador of South Africa at a debate in the early 1980s there was a full-scale riot outside the building with bricks being hurled through the windows.

L:国际事务的辩论通常是最具争议性的。20世纪80年代早期,在南非大使参加辩 论后,联含会大楼外爆发了大规模的暴动,窗户 都被砖块砸破了。

V: A debate on the motion “This house believes the Palestinians want too much and give too little” was so controversial that the President at the time received death threats, policemen stood guard outside the building.

V: 一场名为”我们认为巴勒斯坦人索取太多而付出太少”的辩论极具争议,以至于当时联合会的 主席接到了死亡威胁,警察还要在联合会大楼外 警戒。

L: In the past the Union had debated some of the most important events of the 20th Century. In 1938,the same year that Chamberlain visited the Union, conscription was debated.

L:过去,联合会曾就20世纪一些重要事件进行过 辩论。1938年,时任英国首相的张伯伦访问了 联合会,同年联含会就征兵问题展开辩论。

V: Newspapers at that time said that the motion was passed with an overwhelming majority against conscription, causing much controversy and consternation



H:As a mathematician and physicist, Sir Isaac Newton is one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time.


R:I can’t agree with you more. And Newton remains influential to scientists, as demonstrated by a 2005 survey of members of Britain's Royal Society.

R:我非常同意你的观点。2005年对英国皇家学会的调査显示,牛顿仍然对现在的 科学家有一定的影响。

H:Newton’s study lays the groundwork for most of classical mechanics.In one of his books, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion which dominated⑦ the physical world for the next three centuries.

H:牛顿的研究为经典力学的大部分内容打下了基础。在他的一本书中,牛顿描述了万有引力和三大运动 定律,主宰了接下来三个世纪的物理世界。

R:Speaking of the universal gravitation, do you know how Newton comes up with this law?

R:说到万有引力,你知道牛顿是怎么想到这个定律的 吗?

H:Of course. Newton himself often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree.

H:我当然知道。牛顿自己就经常说他是看到苹果从树 上落下受到启发而构想出万有引力定律的。

R: Cartoons have gone further to suggest the apple actually hit Newton’s head, and that its impact somehow made him aware of the force of gravity.

R:漫画还更夸张地暗示那个苹果其实是掉在牛顿的头 上,被苹果砸到的牛顿开始注意到万有引力的存在。

H: It is known from his notebooks that he was grappling in the late 1660s with the idea of terrestrial gravity. However it took him two decades to develop the full-fledged theory.

H:从牛顿的笔记中我们知道他是在17世纪60年代晚期提出"地球重力”这个概念 的,但是他花了 20多年时间才构建出一个成熟、全面的理论体系。

R: In the year 1666 Newton retired again from Cambridge to his hometown in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire. Observing a fully formed apple drop from the tree prompted Newton to ask the vital questions.

R: 1666年,牛顿再次从剑桥大学"退休”回到他的家乡:林肯郡伍尔索坡。观察到 一个成熟的苹果从树上落下,牛顿心中疑惑重重。

H: I heard that Newton asked himself; “Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground? Why should it not go sideways or upwards, but constantly to the earth’s centre?’,

H:我听说牛顿自问道为什么苹果会永远垂直地落到地上呢?它为什么不斜向一边 或是往上窜,而是朝着地心的方向坠落呢?"

R: In the popular myth we all grew up with, Newton was hit on the head by the apple, its impact suggestively knocking a moment of enlightened inspiration into him.


H: John Conduitt, Newton's assistant at the Royal Mint and husband of Newton’s niece, described the event when he wrote about Newton’s life.

H:约翰?孔杜伊特是牛顿在皇家铸币厂的助手,同时也是牛顿外甥女的丈夫。当他 描述牛顿的生活时,提到了这一事件。

R: John Conduitf's version is different from those stories we heard, right?


H: Yes. According to Conduitt, Newton was pensively meandering in a garden and it came into his thought that the power of gravity was not limited to a certain distance from earth, but that this power must extend much further than was usually thought.

H:是的。根据孔杜伊特的描述,牛顿闷闷不乐地在花园里散步,他突然想到引力的 作用并不是局限在一定的距离之内的,它的作用肯定比之前人们认为的要大。

R: Although there are many versions, the apple tree at Newton’s home became well-known around the world.


H: It's true. And in the back garden of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge is an apple tree. There is another in the University Botanic Gardens.


R: Each is said to be a descendant of the apple tree at Woolsthorpe Manor that inspired the founder of modem physics to inquire into the nature of gravitation and the laws of motion.

R:正是受到位于家乡的伍尔索坡庄园的一棵苹果树启发,现代物理学之父牛顿开始 对万有弓I力的本质和运动三大定律进行探索研究。据说剑桥的两棵苹果树之一就 是那棵苹果树的后代。

H: But some people said that a descendant of the original tree can be seen growing outside the main gate of Trinity College, Cambridge, below the room Newton lived in when he studied there.

H:但是有些人说那棵苹果树的后代长在剑桥大学三一学院的主门外,上方就是牛顿 当时住的房间。

R: Wow, it’s really confusing. Any apple trees in Cambridge may be the descendant of the apple tree inspiring Newton in his hometown.

R:哇,这真令人感到困惑。牛顿家乡的苹果树给予了他灵感,剑桥大学的任何一棵 苹果树都有可能是它的后代。


Todd: Hey, Shuan, it's good to see you. How was your break?


Shuan: Ah, it was great Ted. I went to, I went on actually, a Caribbean cruise with my friend Jason.


Todd: No, way, you went on a cruise?


Shuan: Yeah, it was, it was a hectic cruise mind you.


Todd: Oh, man, I've always wanted to go on a cruise. So what's it like?

英语对话短文两人 两人英语课堂对话短文


Shuan: Well, I mean, we started out in Florida and that's when I met up with, well, that's when my family met up with Jason's family. Jason's the name of my friend, and while we were in Florida, in, I can't remember the name, but we went jet-skiing, and that was really, really fun.


Todd: Wait a minute. You were on a cruise and you go jet skiing?


Shuan: Oh, before we actually went on the cruise boat.


Todd: Oh, OK.


Shuan: Yeah, we were just in the harbor and then we decided to go have some fun so we rented a couple of jet skis, and we went around the harbor.


Todd: Oh, that's cool man. Actually, when you get the jet skis, do you have to take a test of anything? Do they just give them to you?


Shuan: Ah, you don't have to take a test because it was in an enclosed area pretty much.


Todd: Oh, OK.


Shuan: They set out an area for learners to use jet skis.


Todd: Oh, nice, but from the harbor you got on the cruise ship. What was the cruise ship like?


Shuan: Oh, it was absolutely massive. It was about 8 stories high. And the first two stories we just for cabins, I'm sorry the first three stories were for cabins and the next story was all shops and then the story above that, it was night club, a casino, an art exhibit an indoor pool and on the top deck of course was the outdoor pool, bar and another night club, and few more pools, and it was the biggest ship I think I've ever seen.


Todd: That sounds awesome. So how do you spend you time on a cruise ship? Like, what's a typical day on a cruise ship?


Shuan: A typical day, you wake up probably hung over at around noon and then you head to the top deck to sunbathe for a few hours and as soon as you start to get red you head in, have another few drinks, maybe swim in the pool for a bit, head down to the arcade room, play a few games and head to the pizzeria, have some lunch, late lunch, and then it would be back outside on the deck and play some deck games.


Todd: So on the ship did you see any shows or anything?


Shuan: Yes, that's actually one of the biggest rooms on the ship is the theatre room. It's about two stories high. We saw magic shows. We saw even a play, oh and also stand up comedy which was pretty good.



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